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这是一种危险的假设。That's a dangerous assumption.

沙丘的傲慢自负。The Assumption of the Sand-dune.

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他的设想证明是错误的。His assumption proved to be wrong.

许多人都不喜欢他那种擅权的做法。His assumption of power was not liked by many.

那么在那些例子中的结论是什么呢?And that assumption in those examples was what?

上百万美金,都押在一种假设上。Millions of dollars, committed on an assumption.

但是,新研究对这种假设进行了驳斥。However the new study challenges this assumption.

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我们假定我们的生产力需要高文化素养。We make the assumption that we need it workforce.

他的到职为大家所欢迎。His assumption of office was welcomed by everyone.

我们的第三个假设是,世界是混乱的。Our third assumption is that the world is chaotic.

为了更简单点我们将设定另一个假设We'll make one other assumption to keep life simple.

在斯堪迪纳维亚半岛,数据推翻了这种说法。But in Scandinavia, the data dispute this assumption.

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游程检验不要求正态性假设。The runs test does not require the normality assumption.

但为了讨论,我们还是先认同这个假设。But let's grant that assumption for the sake of argument.

我不太愿意摆出一副义愤填膺的架势来。I am a little shy of any assumption of moral indignation.

这是个在民主制国家非常诱人的假设That's a very appealing assumption I think in a democracy.

在这种类型里,对于自由意志的臆断是最强烈的。The assumption of free will is strongest in this category.

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人们总是设想所有的测试应该短小快速。The assumption that all tests should be trivial and quick.

我很反感那种将孤独症视为一种残疾的看法。I resent the assumption that autism is simply a disability.

劳动价值论是建立在劳动同质性假设基础上的。The theory is based on the assumption of labor homogeneity.