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战争是非常可怕的。War is ery terrible.

在我看来,跟注是糟糕的。Call is terrible IMO.

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干戈是至极可怕的。War is very terrible.

脾气真够坏的!What a terrible temper!

当时真的很糟糕It's in a terrible mess.

孤独是很可怕的。Being lonely is terrible.

那一刹那是惊天动地的。It was a terrible moment.

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鱼闻起来很难闻。The fish smells terrible.

的牙痛得很厉害。had a terrible toothache.

她大闹了一场。She made a terrible scene.

可怕的叫声响彻云霄。A terrible cry rent the air.

你看这鬼天气,热死了。It is a terrible and hot day.

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但是,我实在是一个没有毅力的人。But I'm a terrible backslider.

这条狗真是讨厌鬼。The dog is a terrible nuisance.

那里的气味糟透了。The smell in there is terrible.

好了,这就是我的可怕的生活。Well, that is my terrible life.

一阵剧痛像刀割似地穿过他的身体。A terrible pain knifed his body.

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我说过什么可怕的话吗?And do I say something terrible?

运动使我感觉很糟。Exercise makes me feel terrible.

还有马龙这个人真是烂透了。Also Malone is a terrible person.