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“我也是突然想到这点了。”文斯冷静地说。"That occurred to me, too, " Vince said soberly.

不过,19岁的贝拉却清醒地看到了残酷的现实。However, 19 year-old Beira actually soberly saw the brutal reality.

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但必须清醒地看到,清欠工作难度仍然很大,任务十分艰巨。However, we must be soberly aware that the resulting work is still very very difficult task.

当我躺在床上静静地思考时,我才清醒地意识到自己一直在梦游。When I lie down calmly pondered when the bed, I only then soberly realize myself to sleepwalk.

同时,我们也要对东亚合作的长期性有清醒的认识。At the same time, we should also be soberly aware that East Asia cooperation is a long-haul journey.

他那薄薄的嘴唇有好笑的事想说就那么笑。Brissenden grinned soberly in the way he had when pleased by the thing his thin lips were about to shape.

约翰拿起它,久久而严肃地看着这件没有反应的薄布料,凯蒂从来没有对他不理不睬过。John took it and looked long and soberly at the unresponsive grenadine. Katy had never been unresponsive.

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刘博智以客观、冷静、符号性的图像记录了金山梦的痕迹。Lau documents objectively and soberly the trace of the dream of "Golden Mountain" with iconographic photography.

因为她知道一切,通达一切,能引导我行事明智,以自己的德能保护我。For she knoweth and understandeth all things, and shall lead me soberly in my works, and shall preserve me by her power.

火星人们将他们的空余时间,偶尔工作一下,去逛逛艺术博物馆,或安静的琢磨在架构组织内的新发现。Martians spend their free time either working, or in art museums, soberly contemplating their newfound structural unity.

从购房者角度分析,这样能防止其他买家抢购,又能让自己冷静考虑,暂缓付款。From property buyers perspective, it prevents other buyers buying, and allow themselves soberly consider deferring payment.

山西省委书记张宝顺表示,生还人员身体状况基本稳定、神志清醒,且能与人交流。Shanxi Party chief Zhang Baoshun said most of the survivors were in a stable condition, and were talking soberly with others.

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教导我们弃绝不敬虔和属世的情欲,好在今世过自守、公义、敬虔的生活。Training us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly and righteously and godly in the present age.

就在老板准备重用她时,她冷静地炒了老板的鱿鱼,开始做个体钢琴调律师。She soberly quit her job when her boss was going to offer her a better salary. She began her business as a solo piano technician.

清醒地认识江苏在世界发展大格局中的方位和水平,不为目前的小富而停滞。Knew Jiangsu soberly , in the world develops in the big pattern position and the level, small rich does not stagnate for at present.

要我服从当时的习俗风气,仿佛它们是严肃纯真的东西,不禁使我好笑。To be called upon to submit to the customs and fashions of the day, as if they were something soberly and genuinely real, made me want to laugh.

1900年,埃及探索学会的某一成员在埃及南部发掘处一处墓葬,他正而八经地将这发现命名为墓A23,并记录其中发现成果如下In 1900, a member of the Egypt Exploration Society excavated a grave in southern Egypt. He soberly named his discovery Grave A23 and noted the contents

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但是,我们也要清醒地认识到,农业装备技术供给不足仍然是发展现代农业的突出矛盾。But, we must realize soberly , the agricultural equipment technology supplies insufficient still develop the modern agriculture prominent contradiction.

在优异的成绩面前,自剑中心还是保持了冷静的态度,清醒地认识到存在的差距和不足。In front of the outstanding result, maintained from the sword center the calm manner, realizes soberly to the existence disparity and the insufficiency.

北京市建设委员会副主任陈永提醒房地产企业,要清醒地看到投资的潜在风险和面临的挑战。Beijing Construction Committee Deputy Director Chen Yung remind real estate business, we should be soberly aware that the investment potential risks and challenges.