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并购狂潮紧追绿色趋势。Merger mania grips green.

这可是人家俄罗斯自己家的合并案。This was a Russian merger.

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在纳尔特看来,合并的理由有三个。He sees three reasons for merger.

龙是图腾文化的融合。Loong is the merger of totem culture.

我曾在达拉斯就合并的事采访过您。I interviewed you in Dallas about the merger.

她被迫同意将企业合并。She was pressurized into agreeing to a merger.

生意的合并被认为是保密的。The business merger was supposed to be hush-hush.

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银行的资金在这个合并案中扮演着举足轻重的角色。Bank funding plays a critical role in this merger.

在公司合并了之后,很多员工都选择了弃船另谋职位。After the merger many employees decided to jump ship.

实际上,我们的投资组合由于合并而被压缩了。In fact, our portfolio has been impacted by the merger.

目前,克莱斯勒已在合并中取得先手。Right now, Chrysler holds the upper hand in the merger.

它们动态的舞姿最终将导致一次合并吗?Will their dynamic dance eventually result in a merger?

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而这些都是新一轮兼并浪潮得以形成的理想条件。These are ideal conditions for a new merger wave to form.

同程旅游同样是此次并购的受益方。The same way travel is also the beneficiary of the merger.

法定审计特别审计合并及收购。Statutory audit , special audit , and merger and acqusition.

对企业兼并和垄断问题的态度和政策也较以前宽容许多。The merger of firms and monopoly are treated more leniently.

惠普公司完成了其与康柏电脑公司的合并。HP completes its merger transaction with Compaq Computer Corp.

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两铁合并后,九广铁路商标要给斩掉!After the merger of KCR and MTR, the KCR logo should be chopped off!

汉语儿化是一种音节融合现象。Retroflex suffixation in Chinese is a phenomenon of syllable merger.

此处呈现的千九公主,是为两铁合并前的状态。The Princess SP1900 shown here is of the status before the rail merger.