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过度的焦虑和紧张会引起失眠。Worries and tenseness can lead to insomnia.

高潮过后紧张解除了。After the climax, the tenseness is relieved.

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当然,玩起来肯定会有紧张感。There was definitely a tenseness to the gameplay however.

你能想起来只是超出人体承受的肌肉强直、神经紧绷。You do remember an inhuman tenseness of muscle and nerves.

当看到门打开时,他心里一阵紧张。When he saw the door opened, he felt a thrill of tenseness.

你要是觉得两眼周围紧绷,就放松一下肌肉。If you feel a tenseness around the eyes, relax your muscles.

麦凯缓缓地朝这个屏幕走来,每走一步心情都更加紧张。McKay walked slowly toward this screen, feeling a growing tenseness.

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利用重力让手放下,让你避免双手过度用力与紧张。The use of gravity can eliminate all unnecessary forces or tenseness.

反过去时来,着装正式,说话彬彬有礼,说明心态紧张。Or they can dress formally and speak formally, showing their tenseness.

感觉身体放松,感觉绷紧消失,但是不要睡着。Feel the body relax, feel the tenseness disappear, but do not fall asleep.

赫斯渥的声音和态度都透著一种紧张,不能不产生一定的效果。There was a tenseness in hurstwood's voice and manner which could but have some effect.

如果一个人想掩盖这类情绪,它们只会在别处流露出来,例如紧张情绪。If a person tries to bury such feelings they only pop up somewhere else-as tenseness for example.

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正确把握歌唱中松与紧的状态,就可以减少发声训练中的盲目性。A better controlling of the locations of relaxation and tenseness can help reduce the blindness in practising singing.

他晓得自己有不满有担心,但他不晓得这其实也算是一种紧张和恐惧。He knew that he felt dissatisfied and worried, but he did not know that these were his own forms of tenseness and fear.

安全两难本身的确是构成国际紧张、对立和冲突的一类常见动因。As a matter of fact, the dilemma is a common factor contributing to international tenseness , hostilities and conflicts.

在他看来,始终有一种无法定义的紧张感弥漫在成长的周围,从而让性感本身也变得暧昧不清。In his eye, one kind of tenseness unable to define has filled the air in growth, thus let the sexy itself also change ambiguous.

罗伽大人的飞龙坐骑误以为如今的紧张气氛和混乱是战斗将至,高声呜鸣,要挣开束缚扑向敌人。The lord's dragon, mistaking the tenseness and confusion for battle, trumpeted loudly, demanding to be unleashed upon the enemy.

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此时,我们便可更全面地认识到自己肩上的压力,脑海中奄奄一息的希望,以及内心里因悲伤而起的阴霾。Suddenly we become fully aware of the tenseness in our shoulders, the little bubble of hope in our mind, or the haze of sadness in our heart.

久居欧洲的人都知道,五月与六月是青年人伤心、离别、死亡、紧张、焦虑、狂欢与失落的月份。People who have lived in Europe for a long time know that for young people May and June are the months of sadness, parting, death, tenseness , anxiety, wild partying, and loss.