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无论是在青森、四国或九州,都曾见到我故乡那样的峡谷。In Aomori, Shikoku and Kyushu, I once see that kind of valley.

高松是四国与日本其它地区之间的主要枢纽。Takamatsu is the main hub between Shikoku area and the rest of Japan.

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四国和九州名列日本四大岛屿之中。Shikoku and Kyushu are the other two of the four major islands of Japan.

日本由北海道、本州、四国和九州等6800个岛屿组成。Japan , or Nippon, is made up of 6, 800 islands including Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku , and Kyushu.

强台风“塔拉斯”3日在日本四国高知县登陆,其带来的强降雨给日本造成严重灾害。Typhoon "Talas" 3 in Japan Shikoku Kochi landed, it brings heavy rainfall caused severe damage to Japan.

但是,就在20年前,一个住在位于日本西南部的四国岛上,有先见之明的农民解决了这个难题。But 20 years ago a forward-thinking farmer on Japan's south-western island of Shikoku solved the problem.

高知日本四国岛南部一城市,位于太平洋的一个小海湾沿岸,它是一个港口和渔业加工中心。人口312253。A city of southern shikoku japan on an inlet of the pacific ocean. it is a port and fish-processing center. Population 312253.

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上述元素地球化学特征表明,四国海盆沉积物应以半远洋和远洋沉积为主。According to the geochemistry result above, it is concluded that Shikoku basin is characterized by hemipelagic and pelagic deposit.

美日联合军演将从3日起到10日为止,在东海、九州西方、四国南方等海域进行。US-Japan joint military exercise will play a 10 date 3, in the East China Sea, western Kyushu, Shikoku and other waters of the South.

一个是四国朝圣路上八十八尊佛的一组白描像,他虔诚地将他们的轮廓——佛袍,晕环,静安的手——着上颜色。One was a set of drawings of the 88 Buddhas of the Shikoku pilgrimage, whose outlines—robes, haloes, calm hands—he devoutly painted in.

松崎出生在四国,会做法国菜和日本菜,曾经与铁人厨师森本正治一起在纽约工作过多年。Born in Shikoku and trained in both French and Japanese cooking, Matsuzaki spent years working with Iron Chef Masaharu Morimoto at New York City's Nobu.

强台风“塔拉斯”3日上午在四国岛高知县登陆,其带来的强降雨给西日本地区造成严重灾害,目前死亡和失踪人数已经过百。Typhoon "Talas" 3 am in Shikoku Kochi landed, it brings heavy rain to western Japan caused serious disasters, the number of dead and missing now have over a hundred.

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所以,20年前,一位四国岛的农民就产生了种植方便储藏在冰箱内的方形西瓜的念头。So, about 20 years ago, a farmer on the island of Shikoku in southwestern Japan came up with the idea of making a cube-shaped watermelon that can easily fit in the fridge.

其中一处说到,马云常会与同僚下四国军旗,其棋路的最大特点是出其不意。Be in respecting among them, the Shikoku below equestrian cloud regular meeting and colleague is vexillary , the biggest characteristic of its chess road is do with sb unconscious.