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不过,他对王学的批驳也有不合理之处。But, Gao's refutation also had some unreasonableness.

勉强在尽可能谨慎的时候是好的。It is advisable to refrain from unreasonableness as much as possible.

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而且由于创新本身的特点,非理性因素在创新中起了很重要的作用。And unreasonableness factors played main role in innovation because of innovation itself.

一个乖戾的,无理性的,吹毛求疵的人不但消磨自己,并且消磨别人。A disagreeable, unreasonableness and nitpicks person not only wears themselves down, but also others.

勉强是在现实中有实现的可能性之后,再一次努力才是正确地。In the case of unreasonableness , it is right to try again after there appears the possibility in reality.

实践是检验认识之真理性的唯一标准,但实践活动本身却存在合理性问题。Practice is the sole criterion to test the truth. However, practice itself is not beyond unreasonableness.

发生在中国的暴行和无理之事绝对要比发生在美国的多得多,这就是一个文化的差异。I expect many more atrocities and unreasonableness from China than from America, that's a cultural difference.

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父母的观点是,他们间战争的唯一原因是他们的孩子们的完全无理智。From the parents' point of view, the only cause of their fight is their adolescents' complete unreasonableness.

兼职教师中常有抱怨,觉得这种待遇不公平也不合理。There had been discussions among part-time teachers about the unfairness and the unreasonableness of the situation.

论述了瞬时产量与阶段产量的差异,导出相应的公式,指出用预测年产量的传统方法的不合理性。The relevant formula is derived out and the unreasonableness of forecasting annual output by using traditionally is pointed out.

在我国刑事诉讼中,羁押制度的失范使刑事诉讼的正当性饱受怀疑和抨击。Legitimate of our criminal procedure has been widely doubted and criticized as a result of the unreasonableness of the criminal custody.

为对其结构设计作正确修改,减少结构的不合理性,提高塑件刚度等作重要指导。The proposal could provide an important guide for correcting its structural design to reduce its unreasonableness and increase its stiffness.

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进而以现有立法背景为依托,对文中所及涉彩案件的认定进行论述,并指出存在的不合理之处。Accordingly, we discuss the cognizance of the cases analyzed in this essay and point out the unreasonableness on the circumstance of current laws.

尼采看到了现实社会中的种种痛苦与不合理,也看到了人们沉溺于盲目的乐观主义当中生命力在慢慢消逝。Nietzsche had seen the various pain and unreasonableness in the realistic society as well as the gradual fading of vigor when people indulged in the unfounded optimism.

我国当前两审终审的民事审级制度存在诸多不合理之处,无法适应民事案件多样化的要求。The current system of civil instance, the second instance being the final instance, is unable to meet the demand of various civil cases because of its unreasonableness.

本文简要论述了我国外文期刊文献资源收藏与使用过程中存在的不合理性以及改变这一状况的设想。Briefly discussing the unreasonableness in the course of collection and utilization of literature resources of foreign language periodical and the way to change this situation.

而且,MS从来没有说过我们应当摆脱我们的民主制政府,但是他多次提到参议院的无理性。Furthermore, M. S. has never come close to saying that we should get rid of our democratic government, but he has on many times talked about the unreasonableness of the Senate.

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对底-6乙式底火敏感度曲线进行了研究,提出现行资料中敏感度曲线中间点发火率要求的不合理性。This paper studies the sensitivity curve of primer D1-6, and discusses the unreasonableness of the criterion of middle point firing rate on sensitivity curve in literature data.

本文简述工序能力指数的传统定义及其不合理性,其根源是偏移系数的定义有缺陷。The essay narrates briefly the traditional definition and the unreasonableness of process capability index, and the source is that the definition of shift coefficient has defect.

在某种意义上,可以说,人类对正义的追寻过程就是人类社会由落后到发达、由不合理到合理的无限发展过程。In a sense, the process of human's search for justice is the process of human society's unlimited development, from backwardness to progress, from unreasonableness to reasonableness.