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对于年龄在71或更大的成年人,此推荐增加至每日800IUs。The recommendation increases to 800 IUs a day for adults age 71 and older.

如果没有这样的条件,可以考虑添加至少含600IU维生素D的补品到每天的饮食。If not, consider adding a supplement of at least 600 IUs to your daily intake.

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在序列模式的增量式挖掘算法中,IUS算法是目前最为先进的算法。Of all the incremental mining algorithms, the IUS is the most advanced at present.

不同分区和淋巴结的大小对于检出率有影响。The result of detecting lymph nodes with IUS was influenced by their location and size.

因此从法律史上看,WTO规则可以说是当今时代的万民法。Therefore, from the view of the legal history, WTO rules can be called contemporary ius gentius.

这名女性将在孕期被注入5,000国际单位的维生素D3,在哺乳期将被注入7,000国际单位。The women will receive 5, 000 IUs of vitamin D3 during gestation and 7, 000 IUs during lactation.

结论IUS是肺癌手术中探查和发现纵隔淋巴结的一种有效的方法。Conclusions IUS was an effective method for lung cancer surgery in detecting mediastinum lymph nodes.

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古代罗马法有着市民法和万民法之分,其中万民法代表了罗马法的普遍主义要素。The ancient Roman Law is divided into ius cigvile and ius gentius . The ius gentius represents the universalism factor.

一位每天摄入400单位的维生素D的女士,在服用7年后,与那些不服用的女士有着同样的乳腺癌发病率。After a seven-year period, women who took 400 IUs of vitamin D daily had the same rates of breast cancer as those not taking the supplements.

实验结果表明,加入了改进策略的IUS算法明显优于BUS算法,验证了改进策略的有效性。Experimental results showed that the performance of IUS is obviously superior to BUS, thus verifying the effectiveness of improving strategy.

基督时期统治罗马的提比略年轻而又沉静。他的雕像被海藻产生的硫磺严重地腐蚀黑了。What may be the portrait of a young and still serene tiber ius who reigned during the time of christ has been badly blackened by sulfur produced by algae.

孔子“温故而知新”是对人认识世界的一种真理性概括,具有方法论的意义。Acquiring new knowledge while thinking over the old proposed by Conf uc ius is a true conclusion for man to know the world and it has the significance of methodology.

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对山西芮城出土的民俗文物二十四孝图的本事进行考述,并对它在现代社会中的文化价值进行简要论述。The author does a textual research on the original story of the Shanxi Ruicheng unearthed cultural relic 24 filial piety charts and describes ius cultural value in the modern society briefly.