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稀土矿石产于整个白云石碳酸岩体和部分脉状碳酸岩中。The ore is embedded in all the dolomitic carbonatites and some vein carbonatites.

与石灰岩层和脱水层比,在白云岩层的裂缝密度也有所增加。Fracture densities also increase in dolomitic layers compared to limestones and anhydrates.

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之所以不将这些类型列在不同的标题下面,是因为它们全都具有白云石大理岩类型的特征。These aren't listed under different headings because they all share the characteristic of being a type of dolomitic marble.

上面提到的白云石,其不仅用来较正这些土壤的酸性,而且可以补充土壤的钙和镁。As indicated above, dolomitic lime is used not only as an amendment in these types of soils, but also as a source of Ca and Mg.

安徽淮南地区新元古代九里桥组主要由砂质、泥质灰岩,叠层石灰岩和白云质灰岩组成。The Neoproterozoic Jiuliqiao Formation in the Huainan region consists of sandy, silty , stromatolitic and dolomitic limestones.

研究了以具有典型类斑状结构特征白云质泥晶灰岩作为骨料的混凝土柱在150℃下的压蒸膨胀行为及其膨胀开裂特征。The autoclaved expansive behaviors at 150 ℃of micrite dolomitic limestone aggregates with a typical porphyrotopic texture have been explored.

安徽淮南地区新元古代九里桥组主要由砂质、泥质灰岩,叠层石灰岩和白云质灰岩组成。The Neoproterozoic Jiuliqiao Formation in Huainan region consists of sandy and silty limestone, stromatolite limestone and dolomitic limestone.

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涑水岩群残存于西姚片麻岩之中,是由斜长角闪岩、磁铁石英岩、黑云变粒岩、钙质片岩和白云质大理岩组成。Shushui rock group remains in Xiyao gneiss, and made up of amphibolite, magnetite quartzite, biotite granulite, calc-schist and dolomitic marble.

由此看来,“白云质大理岩”很可能是中元古代碳酸岩火山岩。Therefore, based on its isotopic characters, the "dolomitic marble" is more likely of volcanic carbonatite rock formed during middle Proterozoic era.

根据矿体特征和矿体分布规律,北北西向断层上盘张扭性裂隙及跑马岗组褪色白云质含砾次长石砂岩具有较好的找矿远景。According to ore body characteristics and distribution, NNW hanging wall transtension fracture and Paomagang Fm fade dolomitic gravel subarkose has great prospects.

白云鄂博稀土-铌-铁矿是世界最大的稀土多金属矿床之一,主要产于中元古界富钠岩石、白云岩和富钾板岩中。The giant Bayan Obo REE-Nb-Fe deposit is the world's largest REE deposit, which is hosted mainly by Middle Proterozoic Na-rich rocks, dolomitic rock and K-rich slate.

其镁质碳酸盐矿体赋存于石炭纪石灰石和含白云石的石灰石中,同时下盘黑色片岩中也含有被铁质碳酸盐交代的薄层碳酸盐透镜体。The main Mg-carbonate body is hosted by Carboniferous limestone and dolomitic limestone, while footwall black schists contain thin carbonate lenses replaced by Fe-carbonates.

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其中强铜矿化硅化白云质碎裂岩相带、铜矿化硅化碎裂白云岩相带是矿体的主要赋存部位。The main ore-bodies occur in the strong copper mineralizational gray silicified dolomitic cataclastic rock facie zone and copper mineralizational cataclastic dolomite facie zone.

研究了具有类斑状结构特征的白云质亮晶鲕粒灰岩作为骨料的混凝土柱在150℃压蒸时的碱碳酸盐反应膨胀行为及其膨胀开裂特征。The ACR expansive behaviors and relative crack characters of oolite sparite dolomitic limestones with a similar porphyrotopic texture have been explored while autoclaved at 150 ℃.

当今陕北大气田的天然气主要赋存于马家沟五组的云坪相白云岩中,今后最有前景的天然气产层将是马家沟四组滩相白云岩。The reservoirs of the North Shaanxi Gas Field are the dolostones of the dolomitic flats in Majiagou 5, and the potential reservoirs will be the dolostones of the banks in Majiagou 4.

四川盆地及其周缘地区下二叠统碳酸盐岩中,不同程度地发育着一些细晶至粗晶白云岩和白云质灰岩,前人将其解释为淡水透镜体混合白云石化的产物。There are some fine-to coarse-grained dolostones and dolomitic limestones in the lower Permian in Sichuan basin and its peripheral regions, which are good reservoir in Sichuan basin.

研究了具有类斑状结构特征的豹斑白云质泥晶灰岩作为骨料的混凝土柱在150℃压蒸碱骨料反应膨胀行为及其膨胀开裂特征。The AAR expansive behaviors and its crack patterns, autoclaved at 150 ℃, of micrite dolomitic limestone aggregates for concrete bar with a similar porphyrotopic texture were explored.

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其他类型的滑石,如与镁铁质-超镁铁质岩共生的、在花岗岩与白云质大理岩接触带的、在花岗岩体中呈包体或顶垂体状的、则相对不重要。Other types such as those associated with mafic-ultramafic rocks and in the contact between granites and dolomitic marbles or enclaves and roof pendants in granites are less significant.

其产状及结构构造特征表明,它是当时的海滩砂在海进过程中被搬运到海洋中,并与白云石砂屑混合而形成的。The occurrence and texture and structure of sandy dolarenite show that the beach sands was transported into to the sea in the process of transgression, and mixed with dolomitic interclastics.

岩石中的石英砂分选好,圆度和球度高,它们时稀时密地呈“悬浮”状散布在白云石砂屑沈积物中。All sand grains are quartz sands. Sorting and roundness and sphericity of particles are in good grade-level. Quartz sands are scattered in microcrystalline dolomitic sands in "floating" state.