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流通性是票据的生命力之所在。Negotiability is the essence of the negotiable instrument.

本节讨论如何跟踪工会谈判上诉。This section discusses how to track union negotiability appeals.

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因而,话语层面上的灰色信息具有流动性和协商性的语用特征。Therefore, fuzzy information at utterance level is characterized by fluidity and negotiability.

各种税费名目繁多,份额过重,使这类商品房的可流通性几乎被阉割了。Various taxes and fees shops, excessive share for the negotiability of such commercial housing almost being emasculated.

语言的运用有三种特性,即变异性、协商性和顺应性,这使得语言选择能够进行。Three properties of language use, namely, variability, negotiability and adaptability, are responsible for choice making.

第四章从协商性的角度,提出了源域选择所需遵循的原则和策略。Chapter four puts forward, from the aspect of negotiability , the principles and strategies for choosing the source domain.

事实上,社交指示中的顺应是社交指示语的变异性和协商性共同作用的结果。In fact, the adaptation in social deixis results from the cooperation of the variability and negotiability of social deictics.

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民生银行的理财师表示,与普通不动产投资区别是,房产租赁权集合信托的流通性极好。Minsheng Bank's fiscal division, and the distinction between ordinary real estate investment, real estate leasehold assembly Trust negotiability excellent.

语言本身具有变异性、流通性和顺应性,这些特性可以让人们可以做出恰当的语言选择。The reason why people are able to make proper linguistic choices when using language lies in variability, negotiability and adaptability of language itself.

我在世界上有一定的地位和可磋商性,因为我读过这个“,对于西方文明来说,它是诗人的引用语,是饭后的谈资。I have a certain status and negotiability in the world as having read this." In the case of Western Civ, it's quotations from the poets and after-dinner speeches.

普遍认为,改写后的案文更好地反映了既要维护可转让单证的可转让性,又要反映相关的商业实务的政策。It was widely felt that that text would better reflect the policy of preserving the negotiability of negotiable documents and reflecting relevant commercial practices.

语言的三个特性,即变异性、商讨性和顺应性,能够用以解释并有助于理解创造性叛逆中体现的原则和策略。The three properties of language, i. e. variability, negotiability and adaptability, can explain and help to understand principles and strategies underlying creative treason.

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但是,证券私募发行也存在弊端,其采用非公开发行方式,仅面向特定投资者,且私募证券流通性差,投资者会面临较高的投资风险。However, there still exist some disadvantages in the securities private offerings such as non-public offering, for the specific investors, the poor negotiability and high investment risks.

通过模糊限制语的使用,师生交流中的可协商意义空间可以进一步扩展,从而激发学生在课堂活动中思考和表达。The negotiability of teacher-student interaction can be expanded by the hedges application, which can motivate the classroom participation on the part of students in thinking and speaking.

文章从区域与城市发展的特点和规律入手,引入了通达性和人为干扰等因素作为解释变量对“雷利公式”进行了改良。Based on the characteristics and rules of the regions and the cities' development, this article introduces the factors of negotiability and jamming to improve the traditional Reilly's Formula.

从语言的商讨性角度来讨论广告者选择祈使句式的语用原则和策略,指出广告者灵活运用听者礼貌模型和一定的用法策略,是广告祈使句在广告中取得成功的主要原因。Therefore the pragmatic principles and strategies employed by the advertisers in choosing imperative sentences among the others from the perspective of negotiability of language are discussed.