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请保持不动。Please remain motionless.

我一动不动的站在那儿站了一会。I stood motionless for a long time.

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也可一动不动地悬在空中。They can also hang motionless in the air.

我一动不动地站着,受着我的圣师的触摸。I stood motionless under my hierophant's touch.

停在了同一刻。麻木,僵直,一动不动。On the same second. Numbed, wooden, motionless.

有些人把雕塑看成无声的音乐。Sculpture is regarded by some is motionless music.

这只猫坐着一动也不动地等着逮老鼠。The cat sat motionless as it waited for the mouse.

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一个微小的,静止的家伙卷缩在病床上。A tiny, motionless figure lay curled up on the bed.

梁大娘买的太大梁大娘扛不动。Aunt buy too supporting girder aunt carry motionless.

接着,天使们就来了,他们让冰怪连动都动不了。Then, angels appeared, and made the monster motionless.

在大门的两侧各站着一名一动也不动的卫兵。At each side of the gate stood a motionless man-at-arms.

一队人面对着桥,冷冷的凝视着,静止不动。The company faced the bridge staring stonily, motionless.

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整列士兵面向大桥,面无表情地凝视前方,纹丝不动。The company faced the bridge, staring stonily, motionless.

卡廷卡冻僵了,她的四肢都麻木了,浑身失去了直觉。Katinka froze, her limbs stiffened, and she fell motionless.

她变得静止了,最后她发现自己说不出话来了。She's rendered motionless and she's finally unable to speak.

可是朱比特呆呆地站在戏台下面。But Jupiter was standing motionless at the foot of the stage.

一丝风都没有,树枝纹丝不动。There wasn't a breath of wind – the branches were motionless.

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汉娜起立听着宣读,挺挺身子,纹丝不动。Hanna listened standing up, straightbacked, and absolutely motionless.

突然间19个孩子的注意力都集中在了他们肃立的老师身上。Suddenly the 19 youngsters focused solely on their motionless teacher.

冉阿让仍待在老地方,一动不动地坐在他的界石上。Jean Valjean was still in the same place, motionless on his stone post.