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我今天就能退休。I could retire today.

毕竟,我已经准备洗手不干了。I'm ready to retire anyway.

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乔安娜习惯于退回到房间里JoAnn used to retire to her room

曾经发了疯的追,现在拼了命的退。The chase was mad, mad now retire.

真了不起,那他为什么要退职呢?Wonderful, then why did he retire?

Shinseki将军因此被迫提前退休。Shinseki is forced to retire early.

再多挣点钱,然后退休。and make some more money, and retire.

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我爸今年退休,但现在仍未退。My father is going to retire this year.

我觉得自己离退休应该还远着吧I feel like I'm way too young to retire.

她希望退休,这样就可以睡午觉了。She wants to retire so she can take a nap.

总裁不久将辞任。The president will soon retire from office.

陪审团意见不统一,希望退庭。They were not agreed, and wished to retire.

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功成而身退,这才合于天道。To retire after success is the tao of heaven.

这里想对将要退休者提一点箴规。A minordvice for those on the verge of retire.

我的志向是发财致富,年轻时就退休。My ambition is to make money and retire young.

他明年从主管职位上退休。He will retire from his directorship next year.

需要规定或者弃用基础。Provision or retire infrastructure as required.

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现在,轮到燕南退休了。The time has finally come for Yannan to retire.

以下是关于退休那天的一些畅想。Here are some thoughts about the day you retire.

我们当中的大部分人都已经不能指望在65岁退休了。Most of us already don't expect to retire at 65.