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你是个彻底的功利主义者嘛。You're an outright utilitarian.

我现在所做的任何事情都是带功利性的。I do now anything all is the belt utilitarian.

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密尔既是一个功利主义者,更是一个自由主义者。Mill is a utilitarian and he is also a liberalist.

这时,制作玻璃用品几乎全都是为了获取实利。Glassmaking at this time was almost entirely utilitarian.

你已经成为了一个结果论者,或者是功利主义者。You've become a consequentialist or maybe a rule utilitarian.

它根源于物质需要和功利性意识行为。It roots from substantial need and utilitarian sense activity.

蝙蝠的回声定位在哪些方面有重大实用价值?。In what way does echo-location in bats play an utilitarian role?

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这算是功利主义计算思路的反例吗?Is this a counterexample to the utilitarian idea of calculating?

用户喜欢即付即用模式的便捷性。Users like the convenience and utilitarian nature of Pay-As-You-Go.

互联网正带来越来越多有用的,功利的选择。The internet is delivering more and more useful, utilitarian options.

由实利主义的观点上看起来,莲花的各部分都有用处。From the utilitarian point of view, every pan of the flower is utilized.

还是你们认为它完全推翻了,功利主义的演算?Or do you think this completely destroys the whole utilitarian calculus?

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这个设计被拉尔夫·麦夸里改进为更实用的船。The designs were refined into a more utilitarian vessel by Ralph McQuarrie.

有多少人不同意,功利主义在法律及公共利益方面的做法?How many disagree with the utilitarian approach to law and to the common good?

技艺为主,功利明显是价值取向。Third, it is skill-based, and its value orientation is with obvious utilitarian.

深层原因是对执法机关功利性的考核造成的。Deep-seated reason lies in utilitarian assessing by the law enforcement agencies.

无印的简洁源自实用的材料和合理的生产过程。MUJI simplicity derives from utilitarian materials and rational production methods.

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如果不能,那么功利主义道德理论意义何在?And if they can't, what are the consequences for the utilitarian theory of morality?

光辉的来临,部分原因是学位最近特殊而且功利了。The sheen has come, in part, because the degrees are newly specific and utilitarian.

铁匠,木匠,以及其他赚点小钱的手艺人也是艺人。Blacksmiths, carpenters, and other utilitarian craftsmen are also considered Artisans.