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我仍然会说吉拉迪诺的太太是最好的。I still say that Gilardino's missus takes the cake.

你应当让你的太太给裤腿加上荷叶边。You should get your missus to put a flounce on them.

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你应当让你的太太给裤腿加上荷叶边”。You should get your missus to put a flounce on them.

而且,太太特罗特似乎长大了她的工作感到厌烦。And, Missus Trotter seemed to have grown tired of her job.

这三个黑人站了起来,但帕克斯太太拒绝了,于是她被捕了。The three other blacks got up, but Missus Parks refused. She was arrested.

莱德尔太太通过一些非常有能力的朋友的帮助,来决定向读者提供最佳的建议。Missus Lederer used the help of powerful friends to decide the best advice.

我可以用剩下的钱升级或者买些这车缺了的东西啊…I can use the money saved to upgrade it or buy something shite for the missus.

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当你或你太太早晨去工作的时候,给彼此一个拥吻。When you or the Missus leaves for work in the morning, give each other a kiss.

马奇太太自己抚养四个女儿。He is a religious worker. Missus March is raising her four daughters by herself.

我穿脏的衬衣一大堆,我太太洗都洗烦了。Uses up a power of shirts, it does, till my missus is fair tired of washing of ‘em.

在美国内战暴发后不久,约旦就要求格林豪太太当一名间谍,为南方效力。Jordan asked Missus Greenhow, soon after the war started, to be a spy for the South.

一天,小妇人莎默尔斯太太意外发现自己拥有十五美元了!Little Missus Sommers one day found herself the unexpected owner of fifteen dollars.

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现在,先生和太太有两个年轻的詹姆斯迪灵汉他们的财产价值。Now, Mister and Missus James Dillingham Young had two possessions which they valued.

现在,如果你、我、托德、卡特、特里、比利和鲁顿夫人打乱了他的计划会怎样?Now, what if you, me, Tod, Carter, Terry, Billy, MISSus Lewton messed up that design.

现在,如果你、我、托德、卡特、特里、比利和鲁顿夫人打乱了他的计划会怎样?Now, what if you, me, Tod, Cater, Terry, Billy, Missus Lewton, messed uo that design.

现在,如果你、我、托德、卡特、特里、比利和鲁顿夫人打乱了他的计划会怎样?Right Now, what if you, me, Tod, Carter, Terry, Billy, Missus Lewton messed up that design.

此刻,如果你十字路口的中国、我、托德、卡特、特里、比利和鲁顿太太打乱了他的规划会如何?Right?Now, what if you, me, Tod, Darter, Terry, Billy, Missus Lewton messed up that design.

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莱德尔太太后来说,有一位晨报的编辑帮助她,让她面对这些信件而变得坚强。Missus Lederer later said that one Sun-Times editor helped her harden herself to those stories.

在1943年,帕克斯太太成为该组织的一名官员,后来又成为该组织的一名领导人。In nineteen forty-three, Missus Parks became an officer in the group and later its youth leader.

一个女士用花边方帕擦着眼睛,并递给莎默尔斯太太一盒糖果。One woman wiped her eyes with a small square of lace and passed Missus Sommers her box of candy.