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后来,在希腊跟罗马时期,这种优位才倒转过来。Later, in the Hellenistic and Greco-Roman periods, this is reversed.

基督教的音乐文化源于两希文化。Christian music culture originated from Hebrew and Hellenistic Culture.

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在希腊化时代期间,希腊女人就已开始人为地卷发了。During Hellenistic times, Greek women also started to artificially wave and curl their hair.

但她也是古希腊酒神女祭司,在一个厚实的银花瓶上散发光芒。But she is also a Hellenistic bacchante scintillating over the surface of a chunky silver vase.

在希腊文化中,阿耳忒弥斯司职狩猎、保护森林和孩子。In Hellenistic culture, Artemis was a goddess of the hunt, and protector of the forest and children.

在帕提亚时期,希腊的文化部分地让位于复兴的波斯文化。During the Parthian period, Hellenistic customs partially gave way to a resurgence of Persian culture.

希腊文化的犹太教徒把弥赛亚翻译成“Christos”,即被上帝选定来解救他的人民的人。Hellenistic Jews were to translate Messiah as "Christ", the one anointed by God to deliver his people.

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斯多亚主义是希腊化时期最重要、最有影响的哲学思潮。Stoicism was a philosophical movement which was the most important and influential in Hellenistic time.

那么,为什么所有的希腊化时期的统治者都鼓励在各地建立和发展城币呢?。Why, then, DID all hellenistic rulers foster the creation and growth of cities throughout their territory?

但在亚洲领土地区开始出现了抵制其王国势力和希腊文化传播的运动。Resistance to the power and spread of Hellenistic culture soon began to manifest itself in the Asian lands.

希腊风格文献的影响,导致了保罗式的基督教把“天堂”联想成一个神圣的领域。Literary Hellenistic influences led to the Pauline Christian association of "paradise" with the realm of the blest.

但是在希腊及早期帝国时期,你看到这种做法得到新的价值跟意义。But in the Hellenistic and the early imperial periods, you see this practice acquitting new values and signification.

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它写了很多那样的内容,它也大量借鉴了一些希腊哲学,以及希腊犹太思想。It shows a lot of things like that, it's also dependent upon certain Greek philosophical and Hellenistic Jewish ideas.

这新的希腊的文明确实产生了与古典时期性质全然不同的数学。The new Hellenistic civilization produced a mathematics entirely different in character from that of the classical period.

自由人盛行于希腊化时期,认为人的本质是精神自由。The hypothesis of the liberal man prevailing in the Hellenistic Ages deems that the hypostasis of man is spiritual liberty.

籍着这种批评性的追溯,本文指出柏拉图主义的神学观念在希腊化和早期基督教时期所经历的转折。In this way, we point out the transition of Platonism theological concept during the Hellenistic and early Christian period.

但是,从柏拉图时代到希腊时代,照顾自己跟了解自己的关系改变了。But, from the time of Plato to the Hellenistic age, the relationship between care of the self and knowledge of the self changed.

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斯多亚学派是希腊化三大哲学流派之一,它的宇宙论在古代西方独树一帜。Stoicism is one of three main philosophical schools in Hellenistic period, its cosmogony is distinctive in the whole western age.

在一度位于希腊帝国边缘的阿富汗制作和发掘的古希腊艺术品,应属于希腊还是阿富汗?Does ancient Hellenistic art made and found in Afghanistan, once on the edge of the Greek empire, belong to Greece or to Afghanistan?

在希腊及帝国时期,苏格拉抵「照顾自己」的观念,成为共同及普及性的哲学主题。In the Hellenistic and imperial periods, the Socratic notion of "taking care of oneself" became a common, universal philosophical theme.