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所有这一切的价格标签是不可知的。The price tag for all this is unknowable.

我凭借未知的魅力征服过其他的人。I had triumphed over others by dint of some unknowable charm.

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音乐能名所未能称,传所未能知。Music can name the unnameable and communicate the unknowable.

而赌徒们是将金钱投资到自己不知前景的事物上。Gamblers “invest” money in wagers on unknowable future events.

如果是这样,菲斯通盘上的文字就成了一种无法知晓的非克里特语言。If so, the disc's language may besome unknowable non-Cretan tongue.

这也会使我们的精神生活变得神秘及不可知。It will make the mental aspects of our lives mysterious and unknowable.

造成远离上帝的意志的原因是不可知的非存在。The cause of the will's movement away from God is unknowable non-being.

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你称他为神,但是对我,神或无,他仍然就是那,不可知的。You call it God, but to me, God or no, it remains just that, the unknowable.

这个摘录涉及在未来未知时公司如何来制定战略。This excerpt deals with how companies can set strategy when the future is unknowable.

让你感到快乐的,只是坠的过程中一些不知情的周遭和稍瞬即逝的美丽。What make u feel happy is the unknowable suffering and fast losing beauty during falling.

这是希望和恐惧的女儿,它向无知者解说不可知事物的性质。RELIGION, n. A daughter of Hope and Fear, explaining to Ignorance the nature of the Unknowable.

与此不同,阿斯派特的隐蔽的上帝,部分并且是本质上是不可知的。D'Espagnat's veiled God, on the other hand, is partially – but still fundamentally – unknowable.

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与此不同,德斯帕纳特的隐蔽的上帝,部分并且是本质上是不可知的。D'Espagnat's veiled God, on the other hand, is partially – but still fundamentally – unknowable.

四周麦浪奔腾翻滚,绵延向不可知的远方。The on all sides wheat wave dashes about vacillating, continue long toward unknowable far-away place.

这些都不可能用时时细节加以描述,也不可能为人类以外的任何实体所了解。These are impossible to describe in moment-to-moment detail and are unknowable to any entity but humans.

这种分布式文档的应用范围是不可知的,因为它没有边界并且常常是多位作者的共同结晶。The extent of the distributed document is thus unknowable because it is without boundaries and often multiauthored.

NAIRU经常是不可知的,除非工资上涨,但外在因素比方说欧洲央行却不允许这样做。The NAIRU is virtually unknowable unless wages start to take off, something that a watchful ECB is unlikely to allow.

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真不知道多少新房被拥有至少一套房子的人买去进行投资。An unknowable proportion of these new apartments have been bought as investments by people who already own one or more.

第四,在这些时刻,上帝被设想为一个自然存在,是不可知种种的总和。Fourth, God can best be conceived as the nature one experiences at those moments, the unknowable total of all there is.

使每一幅画好像抛出一颗不知所终的石头,贴近未知和未及的境界。Making each picture was like throwing a stone without knowing where it would land, how close to the unknowable and unreachable.