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哦,是的!她是多么妖冶迷人的生物!Oh, yes! She was a coquettish.

她是多么妖冶迷人的生物!She was a coquettish creature!

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她是个妖冶女人,要离她远些。She is a pretty and coquettish woman.

她好嗲啊,我骨头都酥了。She is so coquettish that I am melted.

哦,是的!她是多么妖冶迷人的生物!Oh, yes! She was a coquettish creature!

皮肤骚痒有什么办法解决?Is skin coquettish urticant what method is solved?

他看见美丽动人的姑娘抛出卖弄风情的眼色。He saw coquettish glances cast by magnificent girls.

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她是个妖冶的女人,要离她远些。She is pretty and coquettish woman. Stay away from her.

相对与男人的风流,女人则是风骚了。Opposite with the man tasteful , the woman is coquettish.

她是个妖冶女人,要离她远些。She is a pretty and coquettish woman. Stay away from her.

她总是嗲声嗲气的,有时挺烦的。Her being coquettish all the time is sometimes irritating.

这是我所看到的最娇小俊俏、最妩媚动人的笔迹了。It is the prettiest, most coquettish little hand I ever saw.

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她的头是一个奇迹,是最能卖弄风情的体。Her head, a marvel, was the object of the most coquettish care.

女孩,你可以性感,可以清纯,可以冶艳,可以妩媚,但是,唯独不可以平庸。Girls can be sexy, pure, coquettish and charming, but never mediocre.

你假装清纯也掩盖不了你那风骚的事实。You pretend to be pure also will not hide the fact that your coquettish.

它的建筑优美,正对着红衣主教比拉格的喷泉。It is more coquettish . It is opposite the fountain of Cardinal de Birague.

她用轻佻的表情还有眼神告诉他其实他就是她一直爱的人。She use the coquettish way to tell charles, he is the one she always loved.

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至今,它仍在美国流行乐坛上独领乡村音乐的风骚。So far, it is still a rural American pop music, music coquettish independence.

说到女人的风骚,男人习惯一棍子打死。Of respecting woman coquettish , the man is used to a knock sb. down at one stroke.

叶辛桐见办公室里无人,还直接坐到了汪明洋的腿上,显出一副风骚的模样。Ye Xintong see nobody in the office, but also directly to Wang Mingyangs lap, show a coquettish.