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如何养鲤鱼和鲫鱼最好?How to raise carp and crucian best?

形似鲫鱼,又称非洲鲫鱼。Like carp, crucian carp, also known as Africa.

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大部分是鲫鱼,没命地在湍急的流水中撒野。Most of crucian carp, lives in in running water wild.

可以,先生。我向你推荐鱼香肉丝、宫保鸡丁、回锅肉和豆瓣鲫鱼。Double-Cooked Pork Slices and the Crucian Carp with Chili bean Sauce.

虽然世上的男人多如过江之鲫。Although the world of men crossing the river, such as the crucian carp.

在等待约30分钟,引起了我的第一条鱼我,这是一个鲫鱼。After waiting for about 30 minutes, i caught my first fish, it was a crucian.

我回过头来,看见干涸的车沟里有条小螂鱼。I turned my head and saw a small crucian carp in the dried-up carriage ditch.

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鲤鱼、草鱼、鲫鱼当中那种是“最高级”的食用鱼?Carp, grass carp, crucian carp which is that the "most advanced" of eating fish?

添加晶体氨基酸降低蛋白质水平对鲫鱼生产性能的影响。Effect of adding amino acids to decrease protein level on growth of crucian carp.

滁州鲫是安徽省滁州市城西水库中的一地方性天然种群。The Chuzhou Crucian carp is a native species of Crucian carp in ChuZhou reservoir.

烹食鲫鱼,方法较多,以红烧鲫鱼与鲫鱼豆腐汤尤其鲜美。Cook fresh carp, methods more, braised bean curd soup crucian carp and especially tasty.

铜对鲫鱼的安全质量浓度略低于渔业水域水质标准,锌、镉和铬的安全质量浓度远远高于标准。The safe concentrations of zinc, cadmium and chromium to crucian are far higher than the standard.

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这从代谢方面论证了高邮杂交鲫是一个偏向于母本的杂交种。It is demonstrated from the metabolical aspect that the Gaoyouhybrid crucian carp is a matroLlinal hybrid.

采用脾移植实验对银鲫3个不同的雌核发育系进行了遗传分析。The genetic analysis by spleen graft test was made for three different gynogenetic clones of crucian carp.

它水深鱼多,盛产鲤鱼、鲫鱼、鲶鱼、白鲢鱼等30多种鱼类。There are more than 30 varieties of fish in the lake, such as carp, crucian carp, silver carp, catfish, etc.

说明嗜水气单胞菌与鲫鱼非特异性免疫功能之间呈现一定的时间效应和浓度依赖性。These results indicate that the non-specific immunity of crucian carp is a time and density dependent effect.

研究了鳙鱼、鲈鱼、鲫鱼在-10、-20、-30、-40℃下冻藏时肌肉中胶原蛋白含量的变化。The changes of collagen content in muscle of bighead, perch and crucian carp under -10, -20, -30, -40℃were studied.

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本文就复合四倍体异育银鲫生殖发育的机制进行了初步的探讨。The mechanism of allogynogenesis in the eggs of mutiple tetraploid allogynogenetic silver crucian carp is discussed.

鲫鱼麻辣鲜嫩,辅之小调料花生脆香、榨菜醇香、火葱的芳香,均在口中迸发出来,味道一流。Crucian carp is spicy, tender, and sends out the fragrance of crisp peanut, salted vegetable and shallot while eating.

稻草人见鲫鱼误解了他的意思,又没有方法向鲫鱼说明,心里很悲痛,就一面叹气一面哭。Scarecrow see crucian carp misunderstood his meaning, and no method to crucian carp, was very sad, crying on the side.