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史蒂夫·摩里路神父已经在索韦托工作了18年。Father Steve Morero has served in Soweto for 18 years.

过去很长一段时间里,索韦托镇上都没有公园和柏油路。For most of its history, Soweto did not have parks or paved roads.

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在东索韦托,每个供水亭有四个或六个厕所和两个淋浴。In Soweto East, each kiosk has four to six toilets and a couple of showers.

2004年6月,我从索韦托晚期病人收容所转到奥兰姆护理中心。I was transferred from Soweto Hospice to the Aurum's care centre in June 2004.

这名高中女生说,奥巴马夫人也有着许多良好特性的综合体现。The Soweto high school student said the first lady also offers a good combination of traits.

这个商业歌曲是来自非洲的索维托合唱队以及阿肯、凯莉-希尔森演唱。The soundtrack for the commercial is sung by the Soweto Choir from Africa, along with Akon and Keri Hilson.

纳尔逊曼德拉在抵达荷兰和西班牙之间的决赛在7月11日在索韦托的足球城体育场。Nelson Mandela arrives at Soccer City stadium in Soweto before the Final between Netherlands and Spain July 11.

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另一座索威托冷却塔,这回是单独一座,它被画上了可口可乐的色彩和公司商标。Another Soweto cooling tower, a single one this time, was painted in the colors and corporate logo of Coca-Cola.

最近卢萨卡的脏兮兮的路边市场-索维托市场迎来了一群中国商人,他们把鸡价格压到一半。The recent arrival of Chinese traders in the grimy alleys of Soweto market in Lusaka halved the cost of chicken.

2010年世界杯的开幕战将于6月11日在位于约翰内斯堡索韦托镇的足球城举行。The site of the June 11 opening game for the 2010 World Cup, Soccer City sits in Johannesburg's Soweto Township.

2010年世界杯的开幕战将于6月11日在位于约翰内斯堡索韦托镇的足球城举行。The site of the June 11 opening game for the 2010 World Cup, Soccer City sits in Johannesburg’s Soweto Township.

这个反种族隔离运动团体,于1989年公开谴责她与她那帮贴身警卫在索韦陀施行“恐怖统治”。The anti-apartheid publicly condemned her in 1989 for inflicting a reign of terror on Soweto with her gang of bodyguards.

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然后回到大巴上返回位于郊区高墙围绕的宾馆,他们确信他们已经见识过真正的索韦托了。They got back on the buses to return to their hotels in suburbs with high walls, confident that they saw the real Soweto.

通过短暂的索韦托之行,沃尔福威茨了解了它的历史,知道了那里的生活和服务供应所面临的挑战。Wolfowitz had a brief tour of Soweto to understand its history, get an impression of life and the challenges of service delivery.

这个博物馆以1976年在索韦托反种族隔离抗议中牺牲的一名年轻男孩而命名。She also will visit the Hector Pieterson museum, named after a young boy who was killed in anti-apartheid protests in Soweto in 1976.

在反隔离斗争的日子里,在索韦托和南非哥哥城镇,曼德拉都能听到一首歌。There was a song he would hear in Soweto and hundreds of other townships across South Africa during the days of the anti-apartheid struggle.

南非约翰尼斯堡小镇索韦托傍晚下班时间发生一起火车撞击事故,超过300人受伤。More than 300 people have been injured in a train crash during the evening rush hour in the South African township of Soweto in Johannesburg.

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约翰内斯堡也有着丰盛的文化黑幕,有大量趣味无穷的博物馆,包罗种族隔断博物馆、宪法丘,以及全国著名的索韦托。Cultural wealth is also in abundance, with a host of interesting museums including the Apartheid Museum, Constitution Hill and the world acclaimed Soweto.

我坐的包厢介于一对来自索韦托的祖鲁夫妇和一个白人母亲,带着儿子去开普敦附近的一所寄宿学校,这是小男孩第一天去学校。I found myself sitting in a cabin between a Zulu couple from Soweto and a white mother taking her son to his first day at a boarding school near Cape Town.

“恐怕在索韦拖我们已经不再谈论Ubuntu这个理念,因为我们正在慢慢的习惯了个人主义的生活方式,”他说。“I’m afraid that we can no longer talk about that concept of Ubuntu in Soweto because we are slowly adopting the individualistic kind of living, ” he said.