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这些照片来自我上个周末为砍美国橙桑的一次旅行。These pictures are from an osage cutting excursion I made last weekend.

在这个时候,我确定我没有把奥色治逐渐变细部分做的足够薄。At this point, I came to the realization that I had not tapered the osage thin enough.

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我似乎得到一个好的接合。那里没有缝隙,无论如何山胡桃和奥色治适当的结实。I seem to have gotten a good fit, there are no gaps, and hickory and osage are pretty strong anyway.

欧塞奇比奇有购物中心、工厂直销店以及出售乡村手工艺品和古玩的小店。Osage Beach has shopping centers, factory outlet stores, and small shops with country crafts and antiques.

来对其科学历史馆里的永久展品进行一次虚拟旅行,那里有奥色治人的香蒲小屋或是古老的商站等等。Make a virtual visit to the permanent exhibits, like an Osage cattail hut or an old time trading post, at this science and history museum.

自2005年以来,奥沙艺术基金一直义务为香港基督教服务处提供专业艺术意见及设计和宣传的支持。Since 2005, Osage Art Foundation has partnered HKCS in offering professional artistic support and providing assistance in design and publicity.

2004年奥沙画廊在香港成立,并在北京、上海、新加坡设立了展览空间。奥沙致力于对中国当代艺术家、中国当代艺术及观念的展示、宣传和发展。Osage Gallery was established in Hong Kong in 2004 and is devoted to the exhibition and promotion of international and Asian contemporary visual arts.

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我们亦希望感谢艺术史学家暨奥沙艺术顾问唐忠信先生为是次展览命名,及特地撰写具独特见解兼敏锐的策展论述。Jonathan Thomson, Art Historian and Osage Art Consultant, for contributing the title of the show and his perceptive essay written for this publication.

奥色治没有完全像紫杉的颜色,不过随树龄增长会变黑,所以也许会看上去像15年树龄的紫杉,总之这是我能找到最好的材料了。Osage isn't exactly the colour of Yew, but it does get darker with age, so maybe it will look like Yew in 15 years or so. Anyway, it's the best I can do.

1799年9月,他前往密斯里州,投奔自己的一个儿子,并最终定居于费姆奥萨奇山谷,在那里继续狩猎、漫游,直到辞世。In September 1799, he set out for Missouri where a son had preceded him. He settled in the Femme Osage valley where he continued to hunt and roam until his death.

奥沙艺术基金更希望藉此提供平台,使观众投入展品所呈现的香港文化中。The Osage Art Foundation hopes to provide a platform for the public to engage in the dialogue about Hong Kong culture that is developing locally and internationally.