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这件作品都是用白胶浆黏合的。They were glued by Elmer this time.

你能想到的颜色埃尔默不能穿?Can you think of a color Elmer can't wear?

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埃尔默•韦尔塔博士是美国癌症协会的前任主席。Dr. Elmer Huerta is a past president of the American Cancer Society.

她并向研究队成员介绍基金会的「拯救黑熊计划」。Elmer also introduced to the research team the China Bear Rescue project.

瞧,艾尔莫生病了,勒罗伊和我不可能就因为这而不干活吧。Now just because Elmer 's sick, that don't mean that Leroy and me can't work.

埃尔默和萨拉考金斯一直都住在农场,而农场的生活并不容易。Elmer and Sarah Coggins have lived on a farm all their lives, and it hasn't been easy.

埃尔默能到他兄弟的超市里工作,她自己则可以开家面包店。Elmer could get a job working in his brother's supermarket, and she could open a bakery.

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美国西北大学学者埃尔默·刘易斯提及封堆的另一个潜在风险。Elmer Lewis, Northwestern University scholar mentioned another potential risks closure heap.

小埃尔默是得克萨斯州一位石油百万富翁的儿子,他当然是出生于富贵之家。The son of a Texas oil millionaire, young Elmer was certainly born with a silver spoon in his mouth.

约纳斯.埃尔默在波斯尼亚–黑塞哥维那以左卫身份首度为瑞士21岁以下国家队上阵,他们以1-0不敌主队。In Bosnia-Herzegovina, Jonas Elmer makes his Switzerland Under-21s debut at left-back. They lose 1-0 to the hosts.

所以,我的下场和老艾玛殊途同归,总是被那些长着一对长耳朵、聪明伶俐、奔跑迅速的兔子打得落花流水。So I walked along the same path as good old Elmer Fudd, outsmarted by those clever, long-eared, fast-running rabbits.

将埃尔默胶液涂敷于扎刺的皮肤处,待胶水干后,将干胶剥离皮肤。Remove splinters by applying a drop of Elmer 's Glue-All on the splinter and then peeling the dried glue off the skin.

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她制作的蛋糕和馅饼味道很棒,如果埃尔默和萨拉搬到城里,他们将会结交到新朋友,且能经常外出。She makes wonderful cakes and pies. If Elmer and Sarah moved to the city, they would make new friends and go out more often.

他的公司2008年裁员,但是好心的老板让他每周工作一个晚上,以便可以保证他的健康保险。His company slashed the staff in 2008, but a kind boss kept Elmer working one night a week so he could keep his health insurance.

1942年,罗斯福总统成立了作战新闻处,任命广播新闻评论家艾莫尔·戴维斯作为负责人。In 1942, President Roosevelt created the Office of War Information, and appointed radio news commentator Elmer Davis to be its head.

另外一个稍远的邻居是埃默尔,64岁,以前是全职建设工人,现在是一个看门人。My next neighbor beyond the Maggards is Elmer McKoon, 64, who used to work full time in construction, and more recently as a janitor.

警方表示Elmer在得手后走到了附近的一家餐馆,要了啤酒和几份披萨大快朵颐后,用他刚刚抢来的钱结了帐。Police say Elmer then went to a nearby restaurant, ordered beer and a couple of slices of pizza and paid with some of the bank's money.

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被告埃尔默自订立遗嘱时起,一直作为家庭中的一员与富朗西斯�帕尔默一家生活在一起,直至其祖父去世,时年埃尔默16岁。At the date of the will and subsequently to the death of the testator Elmer lived with him as a member of his family and at his death was 16 years old.

他从中线带球,长传找中场球员乔纳斯·艾尔莫,后者在禁区前沿怒射,刚刚高出球门。比赛这时进行了19分钟。Advancing over the halfway line, he found midfielder Jonas Elmer who thumped a shot from the edge of the area just over with the Fulham keeper extended.

被告埃尔默自订立遗嘱时起,一直作为家庭中的一员与富朗西斯·帕尔默一家生活在一起直到其去世,时年埃尔默16岁。At the date of the will, and subsequently to the death of the testator, Elmer lived with him as a member of his family, and at his death was 16 years old.