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像黑夜中彻夜不眠的星星like the night with starry vigil

在岁月的河流里静立。In the years of the rivers vigil.

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我们在圣周六的守夜中期待。We waited in hope on Saturday's Vigil.

这条狗为他入睡的主人守夜。The dog kept vigil over his sleeping master.

大事都发生在祈夜的世界。Big things are happening in the world of Vigil.

他监守了三天,但是没有效果。His vigil lasted three days, but without effect.

将代表着祈夜世界秩序的轮换。Event cards represent shifts in the world order of Vigil.

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从此库尔班每天手握棍棒为阿娜尔罕守夜。Since then KuErBan sticks in hand every day for her vigil.

董和方继续守护着,抱着万一的希望。Tung and Fong continued their vigil , hoping against hope.

弗赖斯节死后,杜洛瓦同弗赖斯节夫人一起守灵,再次向她求婚。Forestier kept a vigil over the corpse, Duroy proposed once more.

马德里的旗帜降半旗志哀,并安排在中午进行一次默哀。Flags in Madrid flew at half-staff and a silent vigil was planned for noon.

每年都有这么几个月,他都要回到这儿来守墓。For several months each year, he would come here to keep vigil at the tomb.

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就在灾难发生的那天,我们所有美国人都关切地守候在电视机前,彻夜不眠。On the day of the disaster, our nation held a vigil by our television sets.

弗赖斯节死后,杜洛瓦同弗赖斯节夫人一起守灵。After Forestier's death, he and Mrs. Forestier kept a vigil over the corpse.

一位男士在祈祝亡灵,蜡烛做成了心的形状和1115日期字样。A man prays over a vigil that sets the date of the fire in a heart of candlelight.

昨晚工会领袖在400码深的矿井下举行了彻夜的抗议活动。The union leader was last night staging a protest vigil 400 yards down a mineshaft.

但在头几天里,教区的居民不知道是该继续守夜祈祷还是开始哀悼。But over the first days, locals didn't know whether to still keep vigil or begin mourning.

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我也有接到很多短信,要求在家里也点蜡烛,以示支持户外的集会参与者。I have received many SMSes to keep vigil at home in union with all the outdoor participants.

好几千人整夜在户外露营,并且参加了在赛车竞技场整夜举行的守夜祈祷。Thousands camped out all night and took part in an all night prayer vigil at Circus Maximus.

星期三晚上会有守灵和诵经的活动,葬礼在星期四举行。A vigil service and rosary are scheduled for Wednesday night, with a funeral Mass on Thursday.