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你的问题和哪个网页或URL有关?What page or URL were you on?

文件的网络访问网址。The web-accessible URL for the file.

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现在唯一幸存下来的资产就是其网址。The only asset that survived was its URL.

URL后缀多余了或缺少了斜杆。URL or lack of the suffix redundant rods.

这样做增加了一些无用的网址。Doing this adds some gibberish to the URL.

URL后缀多余了或缺少了斜杆。URL suffix redundant or missing diagonals.

所有你需要的是一个包含一个ISBN书号的网络链接。All you need is a URL that contains an ISBN.

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请选择电子采购网址到登录屏幕。Select E-Sourcing URL to go To Log In screen.

您输入网页的网址中的错误。You entered the URL for the page incorrectly.

而J.mp可能是网址压缩服务最好的域名了。 might be the best URL shortener name yet.

把你的电子名片上传到服务器和提供你的网页地址。Upload your vCard to a server and supply the url.

在我们的例子里,是我们提供的属性名和URL。In this case, the attribution name and URL we provided.

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欢迎来到我们的网址删除系列第三辑!Welcome to the third episode of our URL removals series!

重新建立客户端发出请求的URL。Reconstructs the URL the client used to make the request.

gl一直在与其他的URL缩短工具竞争市场份额,例如。 competes with other URL shorteners such as

自即日起所有文章及活动都将在新网址发布。All new articles and events will be posted in the new URL.

从一个基于网络的网址加载,播放一个全屏影片。Plays a full-screen movie loaded from a network-based URL.

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你可以给用户一个链接,然后点到.JAD方法档案。You can then give users a URL that points to the . JAD file.

也无需启动浏览器,并输入URL地址。You don't need to launch a browser and type in a URL address.

快速添加功能使得它能瞬间设置一个新的URL模板。QuickAdd makes it a snap to create new URL patterns on-the-fly.