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后来为了他受到的待遇我向胡珀道了歉。Later I apologized to Hooper for his reception.

Hooper还是相信自己的选择是对的。Hooper still believes he is on the right track though.

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那位上校又喝了几杯酒,开始打量胡珀。The colonel drank more gin and began to stare at Hooper.

我想准确的把注下到第一场的布罗迪队长和琥珀先生。Uh, I'd like to place an exacta on Captain Brody and Mister Hooper in the first race.

Hooper表示该研究并不一定是宣告轻量暗物质理论破产的丧钟。But the studies are not necessarily a death knell for lightweight dark matter particles, says Hooper.

赛场上,加里·胡珀进了两球,克里斯·康门斯进了第三个。但是两个队都被罚下一人。On the field, Gary Hooper scored twice and Kris Commons added the third, but both teams ended the game with ten men.

胡波和杰弗森认为,如果这种爆炸发生在行星内部,那他们可以给行星提供足够的热量去融化冰川。If those explosions happen inside a planet, they could warm the world enough to melt ice, Hooper and Steffen suggest.

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"我们对自己的能力很有信心,如果让我们选择的话,可以借助信贷工具或债券市场等等,"Hooper说."We feel very confident in our ability, if we were to choose, to tap into lines of credit and the debt markets as well," Hooper said.

四个战略中就有三个涉及到教师的裁员,Murkowski女士认为这在霍普湾地区是不现实的。Three of the administration’s four strategies would involve firing educators, which Ms. Murkowski said would be impractical in Hooper Bay.

英国剧本货最佳影片奖,科林·菲斯获最佳男演员奖,汤姆·霍伯获最佳导演奖,大卫·赛德勒摘得最佳原创故事片奖British drama takes best picture, Colin Firth wins best actor, Tom Hooper best director and David Seidler picks up best original screenplay

Hooper认为,包括她自己创立的网站已成为悲痛心理疏导的现代版本,包括交流疗法和书写疗法在内都可在网上进行。Hooper said Web sites such as her own are modern versions of traditional grieving techniques including talk therapy and writing in a journal.

尽管Hooper认为对Nemo的收购是成功的,挑选成功者却并不容易,他也提醒技术购买者们必须要小心谨慎。While Mr. Hooper feels that he scored on the Nemo acquisition, picking winners isn’t easy, and he warns that buyers of technology must beware.

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这并不完全是一个“皮革马利翁式”的故事,一个重要原因在与导演霍伯并没打算讽刺电影一大看点的等级制度。It isn't exactly "Pygmalion" not least because Mr. Hooper has no intention of satirizing the caste system that is one of this movie's biggest draws.

这并不完全是一个“皮革马利翁式”的故事,一个重要原因在与导演霍伯并没打算讽刺电影一大看点的等级制度。It isn’t exactly “Pygmalion,” not least because Mr. Hooper has no intention of satirizing the caste system that is one of this movie’s biggest draws.

这并不完全是一个“皮革马利翁式”的故事,一个重要原因在与导演霍伯并没打算讽刺电影一大看点的等级制度。It isn’t exactly “Pygmalion, ” not least because Mr. Hooper has no intention of satirizing the caste system that is one of this movie’s biggest draws.

虽说没有隐形战机和导弹那么抢眼,一支有综合作战能力的“蓝水”海军正打算在海上施展中国的影响力。Less flashy than stealth fighters or missiles, a versatile blue-water navy is preparing to cast China’s influence upon the waters. By David M. Slayton and Craig Hooper.

这部电影有12个提名,包括提名的演员科林河口铅,女配角海伦娜邦汉卡特,男配角杰弗里拉什和导演汤姆胡珀。The film has 12 nominations, including Oscar nods for lead actor Colin Firth, supporting actress Helena Bonham Carter, supporting actor Geoffrey Rush and director Tom Hooper.

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81在过去五年从Hooper大学毕业的所有学生中,自然科学专业的毕业生在毕业一年内找到固定工作的人数要多于社会科学的毕业生。Among all students who graduated from Hooper University over the past five years, more physical science majors than social science majors found permanent jobs within a year of graduation.

如果在现实中,费米望远镜无法检测到暗物质衰退成为其他类型的粒子,或者其在宇宙初期温度较高时运行速度较快,则它的重量可能仍然保持在100亿电子伏。If, in reality, dark matter decays into particles that Fermi can't detect, or if it moved faster when the universe was younger and hotter, then it could still be as light as 10 GeV, Hooper says.

这对搭档古怪又合乎理想,或至少导演汤姆·霍伯希望观众如此认为,因为背景从一曲活泼声乐到另一曲,时不时的停顿让观众挤出几滴眼泪来。It’s an ideal odd coupling, or at least that’s what the director Tom Hooper would have us believe as he jumps from one zippy voice lesson to the next, pausing every so often to wring a few tears.