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国资委的职责之一是推动国有企业的现代化。In some ways, SASAC aims to modernise its enterprises.

新开张的交易所回应了伦敦国际石油交易所进行的现代化努力。The new pit is a response to the IPE's efforts to modernise.

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俄国人认为延长租约的期限将允许对这个舰队进行现代化改造。The Russians argue that extending the lease will allow it to modernise the fleet.

梅德韦杰夫已经率先发起一项运动,在他任期内使俄国实现现代化。Mr Medvedev has spearheaded a drive to modernise Russia during his term in office.

我们不一定要学日本设计师的现代风格,把他们一些日式风格贯入现代建筑。We need not have to learn from the Japanese designers modern ideas to modernise Japanese style.

他敦促俄罗斯使还处于苏联时代、依靠石油和天然气的“原始”经济现代化。He urged the country to modernise the "primitive" Soviet-era economy with its reliance on oil and gas.

报告敦促各国修葺和现代化灌溉系统,使用更好的滴灌农业。The report urges countries to repair and modernise irrigation systems and use better drip-fed farming.

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他和巴维克关系一般,觉得他缺少必要的商业技能来让足总的组织结构更加现代化。He was not close to Barwick and felt he lacked the necessary business skills to modernise the organisation.

当地的领导人也有宏伟的计划,要将此处打造成为一个具有全新港口设施和旅馆的现代化干船坞。Local leaders have ambitious plans to develop new port facilities and hotels, and to modernise the dry dock.

一些人对中国抱着羡慕的眼光,产生了另一种想法,即更新美国岌岌可危的基础设施。Another big idea, again offered with an envious eye to China, is to modernise America’s creaking infrastructure.

俄罗斯陆军对于武器装备的现代化需求也创造了许多市场发展机会。The Russian Army's need to modernise its arms and equipment also creates many opportunities for market development.

几乎所有的评论家们都有一个共识,那就是没有国家能够依照西方化以外的方式来实现现代化。The common conviction of nearly all these commentators is that no country can modernise without following a western path.

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一个对失业保险进行现代化改进的议案已经得到了众议院的通过,不过在参议院却经历了反复的论证。A bill to modernise unemployment insurance has already passed the House of Representatives, though it languishes in the Senate.

作为世界上主要的传统医药生产国,中国于本周二启动了一项国际大科学合作项目,即中医药现代化国际计划。China, the world's main producer of traditional and herbal medicines, has launched an international project to modernise the sector.

Guriev表示俄罗斯之所以无法现代化是因为其统治阶层可以轻松地进行权力寻租。Mr Guriev suggests that the reason Russia has failed to modernise is that its ruling class can pocket rents from things as they are.

彼得大帝,沙皇俄国1682年至1725年的统治者,上任后,他着手推动这个中世纪神权国家的现代化进程,最终形成了一个依赖奴隶劳动的军国主义集权国家。Peter the Great, tsar from 1682 to 1725, set out to modernise a medieval theocracy, and produced a militaristic police state based on slave labour.

贝卢斯科尼在一则录播电视讲话中说他会支持一个由技术专家主导的政府,自己在议会将加倍努力以实现意大利的现代化。Speaking in a recorded TV address, Mr Berlusconi said he would support a technocrat government and redouble his own efforts in parliament to modernise Italy.

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中国已经承诺帮助让莫桑比克的农业部门现代化,并致力于把水稻产量增加到原来的5倍,即从每年10万吨增加到50万吨。China has pledged to help modernise the Mozambican agricultural sector and aims to increase rice production five-fold, from 100, 000 to 500, 000 tonnes a year.

能源输送及配送设备部门生产辅助电力传送的产品,包括变电器、电表及能源管理软件.Gilligan表示,为了实现增长,通用专注于并购一些"技术推动型"的公司,这些公司的产品将帮助实现全球电网的现代化并改善其效率.To grow, the company is focusing on buying "technology-driven companies" whose products will help modernise and improve the efficiency of power grids worldwide.

本周,三家主要的航空公司不约而同地推出了优化乘客值机手续的新方案,通过新的技术让办理登机牌的过程更加顺畅。AA mobile checkinA run of improvements by three major airlines are in place this week in individual bids to modernise and enhance the check-in process for passengers.