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还有一些关于控制数据的担忧。There is worry about controlling data.

博士状的蠢货打压着真才实学。And folly, doctor-like, controlling skill.

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在家畜中控制尼帕病毒Controlling Nipah virus in domestic animals

根病防治对策。Controlling countermeasure to the diseases.

从砌墙控制灰尘可以是混乱。Controlling dust from drywall can be messy.

他很难控制的感情。He has difficulty controlling his emotions.

金钱最终控制了你和你的生活。Money ends up controlling you and your life.

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QF2为控制电路电源开关。QF2 is power switch for controlling circuit.

上位机为通用的工控计算机。PC for general industrial controlling computer.

完整的电箱和控制车站。Complete electrical box and controlling station.

父母对小孩控制过严,保护过度。Parents may be controlling and overly protective.

性已经控制了我的生活,我真是可悲,”他说。Sex was controlling my life, and I was miserable.

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焊接耗材的领用和控制。Requisitioning and controlling of weld consumables.

然后遵循这些提示控制对食物的渴望。And follow these tips for controlling food cravings.

控制性行为是爱施权利人的一个标志。Controlling behaviors are a sign of an abusive person.

就让我们说没有能够控制一切的法权。Let's just say there's no controlling legal authority.

这个控制诸元正在毁了美国。This controlling element is ruining the United States.

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他的控制欲很强,等等等等…He's so controlling and you know, -blah-blah-blah-blah.

偏振器旋转角度的精确控制。Precise controlling of the polarizers' separation angle.

别的许多麻烦占用了注意力。Q.’s.They have more trouble controlling their attention.