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我从巴尔的摩来。C. I'm from Baltimore.

从这里去巴尔特摩有多少英里呢?How many miles is Baltimore here?

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他将领女士参不雅观巴尔的摩。He will show the woman around Baltimore.

一个周末,我回到了巴尔的摩。Then one weekend I went back to Baltimore.

2009年,巴尔的摩实现其自身的反式脂肪的禁令。In 2009, Baltimore implemented its own trans-fat ban.

迪克斯坦说,这是只有在巴尔的摩犹太甜甜圈店。Dickstein says it's the only kosher donut shop in Baltimore.

火车在新威明顿与巴尔的摩之间的一个村庄飞驰而过。The train speeds past a home between Wilmington and Baltimore.

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巴尔的摩的许多人认为他被当地的犯罪团伙殴打了。Many in Baltimore believe he was beaten by local criminal gangs.

我在遥远的山城巴尔的摩市的一栋小排房里长大。I grew up in a tiny Baltimore row house in a faraway mountain area.

也许,泰龙的淋巴癌就是由我们在巴尔的摩的生活而引发的。Perhaps Tyrone's lymphoma was triggered by our living in Baltimore.

他说,巴尔的摩金莺队乔治将支付六百元。He said the Baltimore Orioles team would pay George six hundred dollars.

一天,妹妹开车载着我和她男朋友去贝尔蒂莫度周末。One day, my sister was driving the two of us to Baltimore for a weekend.

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邓恩是巴尔的摩金莺小联盟棒球队的经理。Dunn was the manager of the Baltimore Orioles minor league baseball team.

相反,我回到了巴尔的摩,和一个自己基本不太认识的阿姨住在一起。Instead, I went back to Baltimore and moved in with an aunt I barely knew.

巴尔提麽健康部门的网站称海洛因的滥用已经有所降低。The Baltimore health department's Web site says heroin overdoses have dropped.

杰夫。杰罗姆是爱德加。爱伦。波博物馆的馆长,他说,波的影响在H。Jeff Jerome is the curator of the Edgar Allan Poe House and Museum in Baltimore.

马里兰州中北部的一个社区,巴尔的摩的郊区。人口19,314。A community of north-central Maryland, a suburb of Baltimore. Population, 19,314.

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位于巴尔的摩郊区的戈切尔学院的两栋宿舍楼都提供男女同住的宿舍。Goucher College in suburban Baltimore offers gender-neutral housing in two dorms.

1851年,雅各布·福塞尔在美国马里兰州的巴尔的摩开了第一家商业冰激淋厂。The first commercial Ice cream plant was opened in Baltimore in 1851 by Jacob Fussell.

非而普斯曾经一直在密歇根州训练,现在返回他的家乡巴而的摩。Phelps has been training in Michigan, but is moving back to his home city of Baltimore.