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猪装在口袋里卖。Sell a pig in a poke.

小心不要戳到车车喔!But don't poke at the car!

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我还不知道白有快速刺拳这一手。He used a nail to poke a hole.

拉里埃里森喜欢攻击它。Larry Ellison loves to poke at it.

小心别戳着眼睛。Be careful to not poke youreye out.

韩佳,我捅的是蜜蜂窝。Han Jia, I wanted to poke a beehive.

如果我戳自己的身体,我的心灵能感觉到If I poke my body, I feel it in my mind.

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你有酒窝木?木有的话就自己戳两个。Do you have dimples? If not, poke your face.

火升上了后,就别再捅啊翻的。Don't poke or flip it once it's on the grill.

一位细心的人,不会随便乱买东西。A careful person will not buy a pig in a poke.

他现在甚至比较愿意自我解嘲了。He's even more willing to poke fun at himself.

我们电脑黑客喜欢深入到事物内部。We hackers like to poke at the guts of things.

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浇水前用手指戳一下泥土。Poke the soil with your finger before watering.

我四处翻找,但仍然找不到任何裤子。I poke around but I still can't find any trousers.

这可不只是因为你会戳到别人的眼睛。And not just because you'll poke someone's eye out.

这几个雏妓,普克可以看出她们为何饥饿。These hookers, Poke could see why they were hungry.

他们用长棍翻开碎砾,寻找尸体。They poke at it with long sticks, looking for bodies.

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当您感到自己含胸时,挺起您的胸膛。When you feel yourself slouching, poke your chest out.

用筷子戳食物项端是不礼貌的。It is impolite to poke the top of food with chopsticks.

美丽的万佛湖就是镶嵌在舒城大地上的一块翡翠。Poke beautiful Shuchen Lake is set in a beautiful land.