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这是一个普遍真理。It's a universal truth.

这是人的普遍共性。It is a human universal.

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这疾病是普遍性的。The malady is universal.

万能翻译器?The Universal Translator?

它具有泛性质。It has a universal property.

内观是一条普遍可行之道。Vipassana is a universal path.

引力定律适用于宇宙万物。The law of gravity is universal.

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笑是人类普遍共有的特征。Humans have this universal trait.

然后他展开一幅宇宙地图。Then he unfolded a universal map.

我是一个通用型的人。I am a universal type of a person.

普适定律存在于我们这个世界。Universal laws exist in our world.

人间不可能有普世性的神学。A universal theology is impossible.

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忌妒是最普遍的情感。Envy is the most universal passion.

宇宙普适常数并非“恒”量?Universal constants not so constant?

我们需要一台万能铣床。We need a universal milling machine.

像派拉蒙影业公司、环球或者索尼。like Paramount or Universal or Sony.

在我看来,这是一个普遍真理。It seems to me it’sa universal truth.

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那什么是普遍法则呢?So what are the universal principles?

人口过剩是个普遍的问题。Overpopulation is a universal problem.

通用自动命令和单文件适用的自动命令Universal and single-file autocommands