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此时会有一名阻击手加入战斗。Sniper will now join the fight.

并让这个“阻击手”害死了多人!And let the "sniper" had killed the people!

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或者是,你可以像狙击手一样拍摄。Or, you could shoot your camera like a sniper.

一个单独的反坦克炮简直就是狙击手的活靶子。An AT Gun by its self is easy meat for a sniper.

狙击手用步枪瞄准了马背上的那个人。The sniper aimed his riffle at the man on the horse.

你可以利用旁边建筑的有利地形将敌人都狙死。You could use a sniper rifle from an adjacent building.

M82A1曾经是我最爱的狙击枪,但是现在它的噪音过大了。M82A1 used to be my favourite sniper but it is too loud.

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由于狙击手还没有除掉,别洛夫更加谨慎。Due to the sniper has not get rid of, belov more cautious.

放射线狙击兵芯块技术正在变得比较每个日子。Radiation Sniper SlugsTechnology is getting better each day.

也有一些狙击兵版本,和一个特别的泡类型。There are also a few sniper versions, and a special SOP type.

清水提着狙击枪到树林里来找徐锦川。Water carrying sniper rifle to the woods to find Xu Jinchuan.

你们有计划来改变一下狙击步枪不开镜射击的这种情况吗?Do you plan on changing the way "unscoped" sniper rifles work?

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这名狙击手的枪法很准,没人能逃过他的狙击。The sniper shoots so exactly that no one can escape his shots.

它也和花花公子x用狙击步枪消灭了望。Niko and Playboy X use sniper rifles to eliminate the lookouts.

从前线回来的军官揭露了日本狙击手的神话。The myth of the Japanese sniper is exploded by returning officers.

其尺寸小至手枪,大至狙击枪,不一而足。They ranged in size from small handguns to powerful sniper rifles.

只留个一个小缝观察敌人,根本没人能够发现到他。A sniper team was sent out to no mans- land to locate the observer.

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消灭阻击手后,其它阻击兵会补充他的位置。When a Sniper is killed, another will take his place shortly after.

潜行者作为一个秘密行动角色,擅长使用狙击枪。Covert Ops plays a more stealth role with the aid of a sniper rifle.

控制绿色贝雷帽,间谍,狙击手和工兵。Take control of the Green Beret, the spy, the sniper and the sapper.