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大多数蚊子咬你只会让你感到瘙痒。Most skeeter bites just make you itch.

斯基特仰天大笑。Skeeter throws back her head and laughs.

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哦,我非常喜欢她,总看她的文章!Rita Skeeter? Oh, I love her, always read her!

赫敏在敲诈方面的天赋又一次在丽塔·基特身上得到应用。Hermione's talents at blackmail are once again honed on Rita Skeeter.

赫敏在敲诈方面的天赋又一次在丽塔·斯基特身上得到应用。Hermione's talents at blackmail are once again honed on Rita Skeeter.

22岁的Skeeter,刚从密西西比大学毕业后回到家乡。Twenty-two-year-old Skeeter has just returned home after graduating from Ole Miss.

例如,麦格和斯基特都戴眼镜,所以她们的阿尼马吉形态包括眼睛周围的眼镜状标记。For example, McGonagall and Skeeter both wear glasses and their Animagi forms include marks around the eyes.

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故事的安排是很明智的,魁地奇练习为之后罗恩没有参加与斯基特的会面提供了充分的借口。Story-construction-wise, Quidditch practice serves as a tidy excuse for not having Ron present at the Skeeter meeting later on.

当他们需要声明伏地魔确实是回来的这一事实时,她后来就抓到了丽塔。斯季特并勒索她证明这是有用的。Her capture, and subsequent blackmail of Rita Skeeter proves useful when they need an article stating the return of Lord Voldemort.

这些症状以蚊子叮咬后几分钟内发作为特点,而蚊咬综合征常在被叮咬几小时或几天后发生。Typically, these symptoms occur within minutes after a mosquito bite, compared to Skeeter Syndrome, which may take hours to days to occur.

斯基特是一个过份正经,自由主义的概念和高校新闻相左的愿望,她与她的老朋友丘陵和伊丽莎白。Skeeter is a bluestocking, having developed liberal notions and journalistic aspirations at college that put her at odds with her old friends Hilly and Elizabeth.

另外,当然了,因为斯基特目前不敢含沙射影的报道任何有关赫敏私人生活的新闻,他一定在留意一些事情,在今后派上用场。Furthermore, of course, while Skeeter currently daren't insinuate anything about Hermione ' s personal life, she is certainly on the lookout for anything she can use later.

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灭蚊通常会找到她心爱的侍女君士坦丁,该名女子谁提出的,但康斯坦丁消失了,没有人会告诉基特,她已经安慰。Skeeter would normally find solace with her beloved maid Constantine, the woman who raised her, but Constantine has disappeared and no one will tell Skeeter where she has gone.