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票据抗辩制度是票据法的一项特殊的制度。Negotiable Instrument Counterplea system is an exceptional instrument law system.

债务人放弃对债务的抗辩权的,保证人仍有权抗辩。The guarantor still has the right to counterplea even if the debtor gives up the right to counterplea.

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通过对诉讼时效效力的深入分析,认为诉讼时效的效力应采用抗辩权发生主义为妥。The main difference lies in the different understandings of the effects of judicial prescription. It is good to adopt counterplea.

不安抗辩权制度的设立,对维护交易秩序、保障交易安全起了积极作用。Establishing the system of the right of uneasy counterplea plays a positive role on defending trade order and ensuring trade safety.

本文阐释了新闻侵权的概念及新闻侵权责任的抗辩事由与新闻责任豁免的运用。So the essay will meanly focuse on the concept of news tort, the counterplea of news tort and the application of News Tort counterplea.

第四章“产品缺陷的抗辩事由”是对于产品缺陷认定的补充和完善,也是产品缺陷法律制度的重要组成部份。The forth chapter"Counterplea of Product Defect"is the complement of conceptual standards for determining defectiveness, which is an important part of product defect legal system.

第四章“产品缺陷的抗辩事由”是对于产品缺陷认定的补充和完善,也是产品缺陷法律制度的重要组成部分。The fourth chapter Counterplea of Product Defect is the complement of conceptual standards for determining defectiveness, which is an important part of Product Defect legal system.

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而土豆网还应用了“避风港原则”进行抗辩,土豆网提出未收到过权利人通知书故不应承担赔偿责任。And potato net still applied " port principle " undertake counterplea , potato net puts forward to had not received obligee notice reason should not assume liability to pay compensation.

文章就仲裁管辖权的意义、抗辩、抗辩的裁决方式、抗辩的确认以及仲裁管辖权与法院管辖权的冲突与协调等问题试作分析探讨。This paper makes an analysis into the significance of jurisdiction over arbitration, the counterplea and its adjudication, and the conflict between the tribunal and the court and its coordination.

知识产权制度自身可以形成一定的限制,权利相对人也可以从民法的公平正义、诚实信用原则中寻求对于这种滥用的抗辩。The system of intellectual property can form certain restriction itself, the owner of IP rights can seek to the counterplea of abuse from fairness, justice and honesty principle of the civil law too.