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他们现在打高尔夫,懒洋洋地享受时髦的桑拿。They now golfed and lolled around in swanky saunas.

北京最棒的拉丁聚会与最炫龙吧的“碰撞”!Beijing's Hottest Latin Party Hits the Swanky Loong Bar!

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我母亲和别人串通,把他杜撰成一个阔气的商人。My mother colluded in the myth of him as the swanky businessman.

我问鲁布她怎么能来这么华贵的地方吃饭。I asked Rube how she managed to afford to dine out at this swanky place.

他会确保我们收到去那些豪华委员会的邀请函,并会给我们保留座位。He would make sure we had seats and invitations to the swanky presos too.

昨天,陷入困境的房地产开发商在伍尔卢莫卢加里贝克尔吃饭的时髦手指码头。Yesterday the embattled property developer Gary Baker dined at Woolloomooloo's swanky finger wharf.

不如多光顾时尚酒吧、奢华饭店和豪华温泉中心这样的场所。Advertise your by hanging out at all the expected places — fancy wine bars, swanky hotels and luxury spas.

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这座别致的西海岸城市是世界上一些最好的厨师和餐厅的大本营。The swanky NoCal despot of West Coast chic is home to some of the best chefs and restaurants in the world.

市中心区那里着装要比较正式,且几乎每一个俱乐部都收费。Midtown has mainly swanky clubs with some bars, but everything there is a little dressier than in Buckhead.

这并不妨碍翡莫的格调吸引人们的眼球,因为这里有它别致之处。But, hey, there's no denying the decor at Fill More's is more eye-catching. With that swanky "look at me tootsie , " thing.

第三集是所有剧集中最叫人吃惊的。一家时髦的房地产经纪公司与一家旧车交易行交换了老板。The third programme was the most alarming of the lot. A swanky firm of estate agents swapped bosses with a used car dealer.

由于在你的主你友情的宫有许多行星出现。这看起来你会被邀请参加一些盛大的派对。With so many planets stacking up in your friendship house, it looks like you will be invited to a number of swanky parties.

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他离开了公寓和奢华的餐馆,去到位于中太平洋的基里巴斯共和国,住进小茅屋,吃着鱼和米饭。He headed to Kiribati in the Central Pacific, swapping the condo for a small stick hut and swanky restaurants for fish and rice.

当然,比较难亚特兰大的公共中学和亚特兰大繁荣的Buckhead的私立中学是不公平的。Granted, it's not fair to compare a public middle school in south Atlanta with a private middle school in Atlanta's swanky Buckhead.

在涪陵,大量破败的出租房与潮湿灰暗的住宅正逐渐被拆除,取而代之的是豪华的新公寓大楼。In Fuling, scores of crumbling tenements and grey, dank houses are slowly being demolished and replaced with swanky new apartment blocks.

这座漂亮的新大楼刚在上周开盘,但现在整座大楼54层几乎已被一抢而空,这意味着日本的房产市场正在逐步复苏。This swanky new building only opened last week, but nearly all of its 54 floors are already taken, a sign Japan's property market is on the mend.

他在好莱坞新添置了一间豪华的双卧室公寓。他的祖国意外地获得了世界杯决赛圈席位。还有他与网坛巨星莎拉波娃刚萌芽的恋情。A swanky new two-bedroom condo in Hollywood. An unexpected World Cup berth for his homeland. A budding relationship with tennis star Maria Sharapova.

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所有这些过度装饰的车的人会显示其暴躁的一面,他们的生硬和粗鲁在两车意外那一刻爆发。All those people with their swanky cars will show their rough sides, their crudity and crass the moment the two vehicles accidently, touch each other.

带着这些想法,我决定进行第一手的个人品牌调查,调查就从位于伦敦奢华的骑士桥区的一间雅致的会议室开始。With these thoughts in mind , I decide to investigate personal branding at first hand, starting in a smart meeting room in Londons swanky Knightsbridge.

那些自己生活的日子——在大学里,在危地马拉,在巴黎时髦的公寓里——都与我现在的生活状况冲突碰撞,让我感到无比痛苦。The memories of having lived on my own — in college, in Guatemala, in my own swanky Parisian apartment — clash painfully with my current living situation.