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他喝下了马蒂尼。He redrank his Martini.

她喝马蒂尼打个嗝。She burped her martini.

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我要一杯干马丁尼。I'll have a dry martini.

詹姆士喜欢上好的马丁尼。James loves a good martini.

她要了一杯干马提尼酒。She asked for a dry martini.

昨晚上我点了一杯马提尼。I ordered a Martini last night.

马提尼代表着酷和新潮。A martini defined cool and modern.

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马提尼酒很可口。The martini cocktail really downs.

好,来一杯加冰块的马丁尼。Yes, plesae. A martini on the rocks.

$萝卜青菜,各有所爱。Turnip green vegetables, the martini.

好的,一杯马丁尼鸡尾酒。Ok, a cup of martini cocktail, please.

我爱喝马提尼酒。-那就来一杯吧。I'd love a martini. -We'll get you one.

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辛辣马丁尼,比飞特,好的,先生。Dry martini , Beefeater. All right, sir.

就像你的很典型的马提尼鸡尾酒。Your your typical martini type situation.

我们每人只喝两杯干的马丁尼!We had only 2 glasses of dry martini each!

你喜欢和我一起喝马天尼鸡尾酒吗?。Do you like to drink martini cocktail with me?

有客人来真让人兴奋来杯马提尼酒吗?It's so exciting to have people over. Martini?

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摇晃然后倒入一个冰鲜马提尼酒杯中。Shake and strain into a chilled martini glass.

非常干的马丁尼酒几乎就像纯杜松子酒一样。A very dry martini is almost like straight gin.

四层的海绵蛋糕,还有涩玛蒂尼。Sponge cake with four layers, and a dry Martini.