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那位修女立下严格的誓愿。The nun took strait vows.

她游过多佛尔海峡。She swam over the Strait of Dover.

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无论我将穿过旳那扇门有多窄。It matters not how strait the gate.

我们将在夜间通过那个海峡。We will transit the strait at night.

从那里开始,白令海峡的海冰向东横跨整个海峡。East of that, sea ice spans the Bering Strait.

2001年,举办中国海峡两岸三地画展。In 2001, China held the Strait three exhibition.

我们的船正乘风破浪通过海峡。Our ship is cleaving her way through the strait.

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白令海峡把北美洲和亚洲分开。The Bering Strait parts North America from Asia.

强流区在朝鲜海峡附近。The strong current occurs near the Korea Strait.

我能一小时游过英吉利海峡。I can swim across the English Strait in one hour.

例如,那包括马六甲海峡。That includes, for example, the Strait of Malacca.

贾夫纳斯里兰卡北部城市,位于保克海峡沿岸。A city of extreme northern Sri Lanka on Palk Strait.

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阿拉斯加穿过白令海峡与俄罗斯相连。Alaska is just across the Bering Strait from Russia.

函馆日本北海道西南部一城市,位于津轻海峡边。A city of southwest Hokkaido, Japan, on Tsugaru Strait.

美国地质调查局将胡安·德·富卡海峡归类为海峡。The USGS defines the Strait of Juan de Fuca as a channel.

内贾德总统威胁关闭霍尔木兹海峡。President Ahmadinejad threatens to close Strait of Hormuz.

你还必须要能够保卫台湾海峡。You've got to be able to defend in the China-Taiwan Strait.

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她是第一个游泳横渡海峡的女子。She is the first woman that transversed the strait by swimming.

其中的一个低点搬到塔斯马尼亚岛和低音提琴海峡。One of these lows will move across Tasmania and the Bass Strait.

谢天谢地,最后,在他的帮助下,我熬了过来。Thank goodness, I finally went through the strait with his aids.