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契卡索人也是母系的部族。The Chickasaw too had matrilineal clans.

半坡属于母系社会,是以农业为主的定居村落。Bafipo was a matrilineal society and a settled agricultural community.

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在母系氏族社会内,女性优先获得这种创造美的自由。In matrilineal society, women had taken the priority of creating beauty.

这一调查结果为人类学对母系制的研究提供了新的田野样本。This fieldwork brings a new example for the studies of matrilineal system.

目的探索与母系遗传性非综合征性耳聋相关的核基因。Objective To search responsible nuclear genes for matrilineal non-syndromic deafness.

在人类社会的早期,我们的社会被分为母系氏族和父系氏族。Early in human society, our society is divided into matrilineal and patrilineal clan clan.

再加上这是一个女儿国,独特的摩梭母系婚姻传统让这个地方更加吸引人。In addition to the daughter Kingdom, the unique Moso matrilineal marriage customs are also attractive.

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他们属于母系社会,观念上重女轻男,由女子继承。As a matrilineal society, they valued women over men, and inheritance was passed from mother to daughter.

目的探讨母系遗传性非综合征性耳聋的听力学特征及分子遗传学机制。Objective To explore audiological features of matrilineal non syndromic deafness and its molecular mechanism.

结果表明,饮牛沟古代人群与现代东亚人群在母系遗传关系上较近。The results show the affinity of the ancient population with eastern Asian populations in matrilineal lineage.

娜姆叙述故事的同时,也打开了一扇通往世界最后一批母系社会的窗户。In the process of telling her own tale, Namu opens a window onto one of the world's last matrilineal societies.

门神文化当起源于母系氏族社会,早先的门神都是女阴象征物。The door-god culture originated from matrilineal society. The ancient door-god was the symbol of female genitals.

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它的资料涵盖母系与父系双行的摩梭社会,以及父系摩梭家庭的民族志内容。It covers data on both matrilineal and patrilineal Mosuo society, and ethnographic information on patrilineal Mosuo families.

结论本文经全基因组扫描所确定的45个阳性位点可作为本家系连锁分析的候选位点。Conclusion 45 positive loci obtained from this family may be as the candidate positions for matrilineal non- syndromic deafness.

由于当地比较闭塞,受现代社会冲击较晚,走访婚和母系亲族家庭一直占居主导地位,母系制特点鲜明。So the visiting marriage and matriarchal family is still playing an important role and the society has typical matrilineal characteristics.

以往的研究中,学者多认为在母系社会里,女性具有支配性的地位,即所谓的“母权”。Most scholars in past research programs believed that women enjoyed the dominant position, or so-called "matriarchy", in the matrilineal society.

更让人称好的是这种母系继承传统为米南卡保人所珍视着,这在印尼是人所共知的,但西方却鲜有人知。More remarkable, this matrilineal inheritance is cherished among the Minangkabau, who are well known within Indonesia but obscure to most westerners.

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研究结果表明,和林格尔古代人群在母系遗传上与现在北亚人群的亲缘关系最近。The results show that the ancient population is closer to the populations from Northern Asian than the other compared populations in matrilineal lineage.

是一座风景秀丽,历史悠久和文化灿烂的名城,也是中国罕见的保存相当完好的少数民族古城。Lijiang's fame comes from the Dayan ancient city on the foot of Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, Dongba culture of Naxi minority and the Mosuo matrilineal family.

在摩梭族农村,妇女自主安排并承担一切生计,她们拥有财产权,并有权把财产传给母系继承人。The women of the Mosuo's agricultural villages head the households, make business decisions, and own property, which they pass on to their matrilineal heirs.