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最后,这个女孩走了,而这个男孩留下了。At last , the girl leaved and the boy keep back.

这位辩护律师给陪审团留下了很深的印象。The defense attorney leaved a deep impression on the jury.

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她之前也一直说,到时我离开了她就要变得很辛苦了。She keeps on saying when I leaved then she will be very stressful.

你的留言比画或者纯粹的文字都漂亮。Your words leaved are beautiful more than a picture or just words.

妈妈的儿女就剩下我二哥、三姐和我了。There are only my second brother, third sister and I leaved from mother.

非洲象吃草根,树皮,带叶的树枝和果实。The African Elephant eat grass roots, tree barks, leaved branches and fruits.

遗产税是对公民死亡时遗留的财产课征的税收。Estate Duty is a revenue in which estate leaved behind after the citizen's death.

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为增加林带的美学欣赏价值,应该配置非传统的针阔叶树种。Some species of trees have aesthetic value, such as conifer and rare broad leaved tree.

选用优质不锈钢材料,经过特殊处理制成,每箱出厂经耐蚀和耐磨的抽样试验。Every case take out some samples to examine by erode and abrade test before it leaved factory.

真没想到转眼间我离开北京首都来日本已有两年了。你最近怎么样?It's cann't be believed which I leaved Beijing to Japan few seasons ago. How acres you recently?

离开时再回望李清照清瘦的身影,倒真羡慕她住在如此好的地方。Looking on her statue again when we leaved , I really admired that she lived in such a good place.

阔叶树种在杉阔混交林中具有增氮和调节碳氮比作用,退化点和作用点彼此互为佐证。The broad leaved tree in mixed forest can add nitrogen and adjust the ration of carbon to nitrogen.

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植被整体上展现出以针阔混交林为主的森林草原的景观。It appeared as forest steppe vegetation which was dominated by coniferous-broad leaved mixed forests.

而叶子较灰和较硬的植株则需要更多的光线和较小的空气湿度,因为它们通常来自于较温暖地带。The grayer, stiffer leaved plants need more light and less moisture, and are usually from warmer areas.

最后,针对上述问题,提出应该加以重视的或有待进一步研究的几个问题。Finally, authors put forward some important issues to be focused on or to be leaved for future research.

我正在家弹钢琴,我朋友敲了门。他进了屋,坐下喝了杯茶,就走了。I was playing the piano, when my friend knocked the door. He came in and had a cup of tea, then he leaved.

香山是个公园,从这儿往西有几英里远,以其秋天的。The Fragrant Hills is a park located several miles west of here. It's famous for its red leaved in autumn.

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夏雨常绿阔叶林是亚洲东部特有和重要的森林资源类型。Summer rain evergreen broad leaved forest is a characteristic and stable kind of forest resources in East Asia.

应该重视不同生境中杉阔混交林多样性的保护。The protection of diversity in Chinese-fir and broad- leaved mixed forest in different habitats should be emphasized.

没有中医理论的支持,中医药现代化只能是昙花一现。Without theoretical support the modernization of TCM could only be like a flower as the broad leaved Epiphyllum briefly.