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重新犯罪率很低,但自杀率很高。The recidivism rate is very low.

这种事情的重复率是如此之高。The recidivism rate in these matters is so high.

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在我国,重新犯罪率不断上升。The rate of the recidivism is growing up in China.

第五章是关于累犯制度的比较。The fifth part is the comparison about recidivism system.

胆脂瘤的复发是中耳炎手术的难题之一。Recidivism of cholesteatoma is a remarkable problem in otologic surgery.

这说明连累犯与共犯有着深厚的渊源。Including recidivism and the accomplice, deep origin has this explanation.

那些被拉回来的自杀者,除了那些极度抑郁的,其他人再犯的几率比较小。Recidivism rates for those mulling suicide are low for all but the severely depressed.

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这样一来,我们便会让预防初犯屈从于预防累犯。We should thus subordinate the prevention of first offences to the prevention of recidivism.

许多女性都有过这种因小失大的经历,但痛心疾首后却屡教不改。Many women have been penny wise and pound this experience, but hate bitterly later recidivism.

新中国成立后的第一部刑法典对累犯制度进行了规定,但不完善。The first criminal law of new China had stipulated the recidivism system, but it is imperfect.

建设和谐社会,尽量降低重新犯罪率是必要的。In order to construct harmonious society, it is necessary to try to decrease the recidivism rate.

随访3年无一例复发,牙齿无松动,咬合关系正常。After 3 years follow-up, there was no recidivism and loosening of tooth but normal occluding relation.

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经过控制再犯与恢复名誉项目,用餐相关模式得以保留。But after controlling for recidivism and rehabilitation programmes, the meal-related pattern remained.

有人认为现行立法已经规定了单位累犯制度。Some people think that the system of units recidivism has been affirmed on by the existing legislation.

犯罪率的持续上升和再犯率的居高不下,一直是困扰人类社会的顽症。The rising crime rate and the high rate of recidivism has been a chronic problem plaguing human society.

任何似乎是作弊的事情,或你打算停一天,吃点“正常”的东西,都是累犯的秘诀。Anything that seemslike a trick or that you plan to quit one day to eat “normal” is arecipefor recidivism.

通过这个计划,累犯率下降了26个百分点——这可是一个可喜的信号。The recidivism rates among those that have gone through the program have dropped 26 percent—a hopeful sign.

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重新犯罪是监狱、罪犯家庭、社会和罪犯自身存在的多诸消极因素综合作用的结果。The recidivism causes relate to manifold negative factors of the prison, criminal family, society and criminal.

结果患者症状明显好转,关节功能改善,活动自如,随访一年无反复。Results The effect of Leuco- PE is positive, the function of arthral turns well, there is no recidivism in a year.

更值得关注的是我国未成年人的重新犯罪率较从前有了大幅提高。What is worth paying attention was our country young people's rate of recidivism compares formerly has enhanced largely.