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如果你自己都满腹牢骚情况会怎么样呢?But what if you’re feeling grouchy?

我隐约感到他今天不太对劲。I feel that he is kind of grouchy today.

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第二天你的老板显得脾气暴躁。And your boss the next day appears very grouchy.

你的爱人会不高兴且不知所措吗?Does your sweetheart seem grouchy and overwhelmed?

我因为最近缺少肌肤之亲,所以心情不好。I am grouchy due to lack of recent physical intimacy.

有时候伴侣们会对对方的前任感到不爽。Sometimes a couple will get grouchy about each other's ex-partners.

为什么对方不高兴自己的情绪也会和他一样?。Why is the other side grouchy is oneself mood also met and is he same?

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他们发现有些人爱发牢骚是因为身体上的毛病。They say that some men are grouchy because they have a physical problem.

好几次我起床的时候我是睡在床尾的,我很不高兴。There are times when I wake up on the wrong side of the bed and I'm really grouchy.

这是我的烟斗导师教给我的,他是一个不苟言笑,脾气乖戾的老头,但他却的确懂得抽烟斗。This was taught to me by my pipe-smoking guru, an insufferably grouchy old curmudgeon.

往常一大早牢骚满腹,喝咖啡前总发表意见,这次看来话是走了板儿了。Like so many other grouchy early morning, pre-coffee utterances I make, this one was ludicrously off-key.

当飞机降落在澳大利亚布里斯班国际机场,在经历了漫长的履行后,所有人都觉得身体僵僵的并且想要发脾气。I’d landed at the Brisbane international airport and everyone was a bit grouchy and stiff from the long flight.

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当自己很不高兴的时候,不能向别人发泄和倾诉,能有什么办法让自己心情好一点吗?When oneself are very grouchy , cannot abreact to others and pour out, what method can make him mood a bit better?

开放的自我剖析和批判,但要小心不要购买到每一个过敏的人对您的意见。Be open to self-analysis and critiques but be careful not to buy into every single grouchy person's opinion of you.

我每次批评孩子都要告诉他,是这个事让妈妈不高兴,但是妈妈永远爱你这个人。I criticize the child to want to tell him every time, it is this thing makes mom grouchy , but mom loves your this individual forever.

同样的,当你处在精神或心理的疼痛时,你的谈话自然会显得粗暴,但这是可以理解的。Similarly, when you are in a mental or psychological pain, you talk also in a very grouchy way, very cross. But that is understandable.

为什么人越长大,越哭不出来,反而经常笑,高兴笑,不高兴也笑,感情的宣泄变得单一了呢?Why the person is growner, cry not to come out more, often laugh instead, glad laugh, grouchy also laugh, does emotive drain become onefold?

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这一研究接收着接踵而来的社会注意力,特别是对于不太愉快的相互交流的关注,它显示了一种十分细微但非常吸引眼球的遗传影响,Blumstein说。It's receiving incoming social attention, particularly in grouchy interactions, that showed a small but intriguing genetic influence, Blumstein says.

第一季中,讲述了一个罗罗嗦嗦的邻近,假扮自杀想给她十几岁的儿子一个教训,还计划在后院把她的教练点着。In the first episode she tells off a grouchy neighbor, fakes her own suicide to teach her teenage son a lesson and plans a bonfire to torch her couch in the backyard.

因为没有亲人,只有一群看中她财产的亲属,使得她长大后,变成了一个傲慢自大不懂得体贴人,只会把别人当仆人看的嚣张女人。Since she is an orphan and all her relatives are only aiming for her wealth, she becomes an arrogant, inconsiderate and a grouchy woman who treats others as her servants.