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这个平台曾被喻为元语言或语言超集。The platform has been likened to a meta language or language superset.

这些“超级课程“之所以“超级“,是因为它们是知识的精华部分。And these are super sections in just that they are superset of the class.

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这个表是一个关于所有支持的绑定类型的所有参数的超集。This table represents a superset of all parameters for all types of supported binding.

表的主键和所有惟一索引都必须是相关分区键的超集。The primary key and any unique index of the table must be a superset of the associated partitioning key.

同理,企业架构规程大于解决方案架构领域的超集。By the same token, the enterprise architecture discipline is more than a superset of solution architecture domains.

当您确知已建立的查询包含您所需的工作项目集或工作项目超集,请使用这个方法。Use this method when you have created a query that you know contains the set or superset of the work items that you want.

在多分区数据库分区组中,如果索引是分区键的超集,那么只能创建一个惟一的索引。In a multi-partition database partition group, you can only create a unique index if it is a superset of the partitioning key.

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HANA构建在SAP具有悠久历史的技术的超集上,包括MaxDB数据库和TREX常驻内存引擎。HANA is built on a superset of technologies with a long history at SAP, including the MaxDB database and TREX in-memory engine.

换一种说法,如果新类型的可能值是旧类型的超集,那么您就已经对类型进行了扩展。In other words, if the set of possible values of the new type is a superset of that of the old type, then you have expanded the type.

如果新用例真的是旧用例的超集或扩展,那么此过程将产生合理和可靠的新最佳实践。If the new use case truly is a superset or extension of the old use case, this process results in a sound and reliable new best practice.

它是本文中讨论的所有产品的父集,因此具有完成前面所提到的所有功能的能力。It is the superset of all the products discussed in this article, and therefore has the capability to do all of the previously mentioned functions.

因此存在一个包含最大空隙的最优解,而且每步总有一个包含了当前状态的最优解。Thus, there exists an optimal answer which contains the large gap, so at each step, there is always an optimal answer which is a superset of the current state.

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这就意味着即使vs2008可以与vs2005同时安装,你也不再需要vs2005了,因为vs2008提供的功能更强大。This means that even though VS2008 can be installed side by side with VS2005, you do not need VS2005 any longer since VS2008 offers a superset of the functionality.

简单地说,在执行安装时,安装映像必须是任何用户或响应文件可能安装的所有特性的超集。Quite simply, when performing an installation, the installation image has to be a superset of all the possible features that could be installed by any user or any response file.

这种方法要求联邦系统首先从远程数据源获取由谓词引用的数据的一个超集,然后通过谓词在本地对其进行过滤。This approach requires the federated system to retrieve a superset of the data referenced by the predicate from the remote data source, and then filter it locally against the predicate.