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而宏观量与微观量之间。Between the macroscopic and the microscopic.

量子理论构成大部分宏观物理学的基础。Quantum theory underlies much of macroscopic physics.

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在这个宏观的世界,没有任何其他东西能够让她感兴趣了。In this macroscopic world, nothing else interested her.

之前我们已经看过这些例子,从宏观角度。And we've seen them before from the macroscopic point of view.

我们同样可以,推导出宏观的热力学。I should also be able to figure out macroscopic thermodynamics.

通宏、微两极观之,整个宇宙存在都是“圆”的。In macroscopic and microscopic views the whole cosmos is round.

据认这是宏观的、高瞻远瞩的战略眼光。It's thought to be the macroscopic and farsighted strategic sight.

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所以它是一门,基于物质宏观性质的科学。So it's a science that's based on macroscopic properties of matter.

但是它们在宏观上,以均匀的方式融合了。But it's all mixed up together in a homogeneous, macroscopic fashion.

宏观税率是调节宏观经济的重要工具。Macroscopic tax rate is an important tool of regulating macro-economy.

巨观尺度下材料机械性质之现象学。Phenomenology of mechanical behavior of materials at the macroscopic level.

对宏观震声和地声也作简要讨论。The macroscopic earth sound and the earthquake sound are discussed briefly.

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热力学则分别以微观与巨观探讨气体的物理特性。Thermodynamics explains both of microscopic and macroscopic natures of gas.

在宏观上这一概念表现为整个系统的有序化。In macroscopic view, the concept represent ordering of the whole complex system.

对消费者行为的研究有微观和宏观之分。There are microcosmic and macroscopic differences in study on consumer behavior.

从宏观层次上把生产和消费作为一类生灭过程来研究。From macroscopic layer, economic system is regarded as a class of growth process.

在宏观上这一概念表现为整个系统的有序化。In macroscopic view, the concept represents ordering of the whole complex system.

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细观层次上的材料行为对于材料的宏观行为起着关键的作用。The behavior of materials at mesoscopic level is key to the macroscopic behavior.

处于平衡的状态,并且只有一个平衡的宏观状态。The one that is at equilibrium, there is only one macroscopic state at equilibrium.

这三个层次构成图书馆学解释的宏观结构。参考文献32。This comprises the macroscopic hermeneutical structure of library science. 32 refs.