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有一天,它是一只黑斑羚。One day it was an impala.

我想大家都比较喜欢看山姆跟迪恩跟黑斑羚而已。I think they just like Sam and Dean and the Impala.

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满月勾勒出一头印度豹四处游荡捕猎黑斑羚羊及小猎物的轮廓。Framed beneath a full moon, a cheetah prowls for impala and small game.

经验不足的小雌豹离开黑斑羚,看来是已经放弃。The inexperienced huntress then left the impala as if she had given up.

Dean就是在这里修好了第2季中被撞坏的Impala。It was here that Dean rebuilt the Impala after it was destroyed in season 2.

最后我说,“我们也有辆那个车,”虽然我很清楚,我们的是英帕拉。Finally I said, "We had one of those, " though I was sure ours was an Impala.

非洲草原上的有名的黑斑羚的角,形状像小竖琴。The famous impala of African grass plains has horns shaped like a small harp.

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我生命中最激动人心的夏天是在一辆破旧的雪佛兰黑斑羚汽车上度过的。The most exciting summer of my life was spent in a beaten-up Chevrolet Impala.

Impala的项目经理非常渴望社区的参与。The Impala project lead is very keen to get community involvement in the project.

尽管Impala计划在其首个完全发布版中增加对OSGi的支持,但是它现在与OSGi并不兼容。Impala is not currently OSGi compliant although this is also planned for the first full release.

帕拉火车站外发生爆炸,爆炸弹出的钢钉造成至少30人死亡。Impala exploded outside the railway station, the explosion of pop pin at least 30 people were killed.

以巴克的黑色美洲水牛角为例,它经过了人工雕刻,能复现黑斑羚角的天然纹理。Buck's black buffalo horn for example has been carved to replicate the natural grooves of Impala horn.

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好的,那么饥饿的豹子再出去杀死另一只黑斑羚,并试图把它拖上树。Okay, so the hungry leopard goes out and kills yet another impala and is trying to drag it up the tree.

当两只四个月大的野狗幼崽因一条从猎食中带来的纪念品羚羊皮而打斗的时候,一场拔河比赛开始发生了。Tug-of-war erupts as two four-month-old pups tussle over a strip of impala skin brought to them as a souvenir from a hunt.

忽然牠们碰到一群斑羚,其中有一只幼小的斑羚逃得慢一点,一下子就被花豹兄弟抓到了!At one point, they met a group of impala who ran away. But one youngster was not quick enough and the brothers caught it easily.

该项目考虑到与OSGi的关系,最终允许将OSGi作为Impala应用的另一个可选运行时。The project is considering some convergence with OSGi, ultimately allowing OSGi to be used as an alternative runtime for Impala applications.

但我不觉得我们会有完全的投入-我觉得有这样的情节很奇怪,你知道啦,迪恩跟山姆和一些辣妹坐在黑斑羚里。But I don't think we're going to ever have a full – I think it'd be kind of weird to have, you know, Dean and Sam and some chick in the Impala.

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我们工作了两个月,然后一起买了一辆亮蓝色的雪佛兰黑斑羚汽车,那部车载着我们行驶了成千上万里,从波斯顿直到佛罗里达的基维斯特。We worked for two months, then clubbed together to buy a bright blue Chevrolet Impala which we drove thousands of glorious miles from Boston down to Key West in Florida.

它可以感染所有的有蹄类动物一牛、山羊、绵羊、猪、水牛、鹿、野牛、羚羊、驯鹿、驼羊、跳羚、羊驼、驼马、长颈鹿、黑斑羚、麋鹿和骆驼。It can infect all cloven-hoofed animals--cattle goats sheep pigs water buffalo deer bison antelope reindeer llamas chamois alpacas vicunas giraffes impala elk and camels.

查尔斯•哈维和我在夜色中驱车穿行在庞大的西瓦庄园里,成群的斑马、黑斑羚和野羚羊在车窗外一闪而过,“我们应当早些知道他们干了些什么。Charles Harvey and I spoke on a night drive through the enormous Shiwa estate passing herds of zebra impala and wildebeest. “We should have known sooner what they were doing.