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请给我五张二十元的稻十张一元的。Five twenties ind ten singles, p! errse.

思维习惯让你以独特的视角去看待现实。ind habits let you see the reality in a particular way.

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而德国选手托尼落后第二名1分钟12秒第三个完成了比赛。Germany's Tony Mart in finished in third at 1'12" beh ind."

迈克.杰克逊于1958年8月29日生于印地安娜州Gary市。Michael Joseph Jackson was born in Gary, Ind., on Aug. 29, 1958.

野生鹿群大小范围为2—19头,平均群内头数为3.55,鹿群在各季节具有明显的变化。The deer group size were 2 to 19 individuals and averaged 3.55 ind.

公司在美国印第安纳州谢尔比维尔市经营制造建筑隔热隔音材料业务。Its U.S. operation, in Shelbyville, Ind., makes building insulation.

这也是国际护士会将今年护士节的主题确定为关注贫困的原因。This is why ICN has chosen to focus on poverty for this year's IND theme.

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博士迈克尔镜子的韦恩堡,印第安纳州,是之间的浪潮的。Dr. Michael Mirro of Fort Wayne, Ind. , is among those caught in the tide.

这样做,我进入了一个神话和魔术出人意料,但却非常有趣的世界。Ind oing so, I entered an unexpected but very interesting world of myth and magic.

树的顶端升起在地面以上,在贾斯珀,印第安纳州,星期四,2010年10月14日谷雾。The top of a tree rises above the fog in a valley in Jasper, Ind. , Thursday, Oct. 14, 2010.

我儿子是印第安那市曼西尔波州立大学的学生,大学一年级就上了系主任的名单。My son, who made the dean's list in his freshman year at Ball State University in Muncie, Ind.

大量的人群聚集在好莱坞、纽约哈莱姆、或MJ小时候的家——印第安纳州家里附近。Huge crowds gathered in Hollywood, in Harlem, N.Y., and near the home where he grew up in Gary, Ind.

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我们有媒体链接您的新的居留许可申请,并在IND过程中的应用。We have allready applied for your new residence permit and the application is in process at the IND.

印第安那州卡美尔市的迪克迈耶夫妇将每周五晚上定为和三个孩子们共度“家庭夜”的时间。The Dickmeyers of Carmel. Ind. , reserve every Friday night as "family night" with their three children.

坤达鞋塑有限公司位于晋江池店镇霞福工业区,是鞋底生产主要厂家。A key sole producer, Kunda Shoe Material Co. , Ltd is located in Xiafu Ind. Area, Chidian Town, Jinjiang.

我儿子是印第安那市曼西尔波州立大学的学生,大学一年级就上了系主任的名单。Flunking Math My son, who made the dean's list in his freshman year at Ball State University in Muncie, Ind.

本周日,人们发现这三人从密歇根守卫森严的监狱里逃脱。The three men were discovered missing Sunday morning from the maximum-security prison in Michigan City, Ind.

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可是从祖父那里,知道了人生除掉了冰冷和憎恶而外,还有温暖和爱。However, , from Grandpa I have learned that in life there is not only coldness ind hatred, butalso warmth and love.

我们的第一个孩子苏珊刚出生不久,我和格洛利亚在印第安那州的亚历山大教学,我也是在这里长大的。Our first child, Suzanne, had just been born. Gloria and I were teaching in Alexandria, Ind. , where I had grown up.

位于印第安那州瓦巴西的怀兹中学,在门厅里悬挂着过去四十年间该校篮球队的照片。Hanging in the hallway at Whites High School in Wabash, Ind. are the basketball team pictures from the past 40 years.