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他拼命收集资料。Feverishly he collected his data.

四只毛茸茸快乐嬉戏的的朋友,真好玩。Four furry friends frolicking feverishly for fun.

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于是她抓住了他的手狂热地捏。And then her hand closed on his and pressed feverishly.

随着我们年纪越来越大,我们狂热地工作以重获青春。As we get older, we work feverishly to recapture our youth.

他又说科学家正“紧张地”对传回来的信息进行分析。He added that scientists were working "feverishly" on information sent back.

银行和企业也正在不亦乐乎地为最坏的情况做准备。Banks and businesses are also working feverishly preparing for worst-case scenarios.

在两家公司争夺优势的过程中,它们正积极优化其网站。As they fight for advantage, both companies are working feverishly to refine their sites.

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至少十几名街道清洁工忙着用扫帚清扫碎玻璃。At least a dozen street-cleaners worked feverishly with their brooms, sweeping up broken glass.

这里面同样会出现维罗妮卡在认真写她日记时所秀出单片眼镜的场景!There are also scenes where Veronica is feverishly writing in her diary while sporting a monocle!

道林·格雷正把脸埋在大而清凉的丁香花丛里,如醉如痴地摄入花儿的芬芳。Dorian Gray was burying his face in the great cool lilac-blossoms and feverishly drinking in their perfume.

道林格雷正把脸埋在大而清凉的丁香花丛里,如醉如痴地摄入花儿的芬芳。Dorian gray was burying his face in the great cool lilac-blossoms and feverishly drinking in their perfume.

他们这么做了。“摸索着通过了迷雾和震荡。”萨甘说,“我们只是狂热的工作来经营业务。”And they did. “Sort of through the fog and the shock,’’ said Sagan, “we just worked feverishly to run the business.

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他已经回到了他在礼堂下方的办公室中,在那里,影片的后期制作正在紧张的进行着。He had returned to his office down the hall in the SoHo building where post-production work was proceeding feverishly.

他们迎面碰上一个身穿粟色衬衣的人,正在发疯似地把子弹推进一支大左轮。They came face to face with a man in a maroon-coloured shirt, who was feverishly pushing cartridges into a large revolver.

马克西姆在1993年参加了第一次大赛,为此他兴奋地练习,以期达到更高的水准。Maksim entered his first competition in 1993, practising feverishly to reach the high standards he knew were expected of him.

施工人员干劲十足,不停地在这条河的沿岸堆起沙袋,不让河水漫出河堤流进低洼地区。Crews along the river have been working feverishly stacking sandbags to keep the water from spilling out into low lying areas.

有些教区成员狂热地在教会间奔波,为的只是要获得祝福,在同一天内看见不只一个圣体。Some parishioners feverishly hurried from church to church to obtain the blessing of seeing more than one host in a given day.

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在开始的栅格他来回踱步了,不断地擦亮他风镜,链子抽烟的香烟或者狂热嚼一团胶。On the starting grid he paced to and fro, endlessly polishing his goggles, chain-smoking cigarettes or feverishly chewing a wad of gum.

我在我的下象棋生涯中,在世界级别的比赛里试着连着两周每天8小时的高度集中的过程中学到了这一点。I learned this lesson in my chess career, trying to concentrate feverishly in world-class tournaments 8 hours a day for two weeks straight.

不久前的一个晚上,在上海著名的法租界老区,翻斗车和挖掘机紧张地忙碌着,为一座地铁站收尾。One recent evening in the city's famous old French Concession, dumper trucks and excavators were working feverishly to complete a Metro station.