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精练地阐明你的见解。Refine and clarify your vision.

改善你的呼吸技巧。Refine your breathing technique.

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他们用这种方法精制糖。They refine sugar using this way.

高雅的作品能陶冶心灵。Works of taste can refine the mind.

假如要提炼这个观点Suppose we try to refine the argument.

他们每天的工作是精炼原油。Their daily work is to refine crude oil.

让我们给人格论重新定义一下。Let's try to refine the personality theory.

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当您改进的时候可以获得一点兴趣。You can get a little fancier as you refine.

根据这些问题精炼您的关键词。Refine your keywords to answer these questions.

中共福建炼化公司委员会。The Party Committee of Fujian Oil Refine Company.

淡化修复唇纹、润泽保湿。Refine and repair lip wrinkles, moisturize lip skin.

为了实现此目的,您需要进一步改进该筛选器。To achieve this, you need to further refine the filter.

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不能让所有人炼就火眼金睛吧?Cannot let everybody refine with respect to piercing eye?

然后要经过一系列的评审会议对模型进行精化。You then refine the model during several review sessions.

限制摄入提炼的碳水化合物,甜点和酒精。Limit your intake of refine carbohydrates, sweets and alcohol.

现在形态和模样都有了,你需要做的只是精雕细琢。The shape and form are there. You have only to refine the work.

这本书花费了我毕生所学的东西并提纯了我所教授的策略。It took me a lifetime to learn and refine the strategies I teach.

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期望在一定程度上达到对注意的分配理论去粗取精、去伪存真的目的。Our aim is to refine the attention assigned theory to some extent.

精制良品为万民是公司孜孜不倦的追求。Refine fine goods for people is the company' s persevering pursue.

最终他发现了如何用火炼铁及其它金属。Finally he found out how to refine iron and other metals with fire.