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编辑隔着热轧滚筒大笑起来。laughed the editor across the mangle.

穿新买的鞋子不会磨破皮不会起水泡,鞋子本身对脚也没有坏处。New shoes don't cut, blister, or mangle your feet.

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裂伤不再增加重殴和撕碎的伤害。Mangle doesn't increase the damage of Maul and Shred anymore.

爱护公共设施,不损坏公物。Cherish communal establishment, not to mangle public property.

具有锤打和电热熨平机之功能。This machine has the function of hammering and galvanothermy mangle.

同热轧滚筒熨领子和袖口也是乔的主意。Running the collars and cuffs through the mangle was also Joe's idea.

我是在奥克兰的康特拉科斯塔开始干活的,那时才十一岁,把东西抖散,为进热轧滚筒作准备。Began in the Contra Costa in Oakland when I was eleven, shakin' out for the mangle.

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人们会搞错经文,甚至还会把很多耳熟能详的圣经故事弄的面目全非。People may get verses wrong, but they also mangle plenty of well-known biblical stories as well.

这个改动会和我们在3.3.3里增加裂伤的持续时间的改动相仿。The changes here will be on par with increasing the duration of Mangle like we did for patch 3.3.3.

如果你处于目标背后,撕碎的整体DPS会稍微胜出割碎。Shred will offer slightly more overall DPScompared to Mangle if you are able to stay behind the target.

最新影像显示核电站损毁严重,有两栋建筑物出现钢筋混凝土扭曲变形.Latest images from the plant showed severe damage, with two of the buildings a twisted mangle of steel and concrete.

为还不会裂伤的幼龄德鲁伊添加新的爪击雕文,铭文师可在训练师处学到该铭文。Added a new Glyph of Claw for young feral druids who haven't yet obtained Mangle. Inscribers can learn this glyph from the trainer.

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然后他发现自己来到了热轧滚筒面前。这一回是在接袖口,一个杂志编辑在另一面喂。And then he found himself before the mangle , this time receiving the cuffs an editor of a magazine was feeding from the other side.

所以,可能我真的需要放轻松点,别太深入追究——拆弗洛伊德的一句话说,也许有时候公主就只是公主而已。Then again, maybe I should just lighten up and not read so much into it — to mangle Freud, maybe sometimes a princess is just a princess.

下午他们加热了机器,一人送进一人折叠,把长袜短袜用热轧滚筒熨牛。By the afternoon, one feeding and one, stacking up, they were running socks and stockings through the mangle while the irons were heating.

阐述了测试射孔联作施工中,由于射孔造成的压力计及时钟的损坏原因及解决的办法。The mangle reason of pressure gauge and clock caused by perforation in testing the construction with perforation and the solution ways are described in this paper.

通过低温混合料的组成设计,解决由于热涨、冷缩、交通繁杂、超载、材料质量差等原因,造成的路面早期损坏现象。Solve early mangle of pavement because thermal dilation, cool shrink, traffic miscellaneous, overfreight and bad quality of material and son on by Form design of low temperature mixture.

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其次,温度分布的不均匀造成载体径向温度梯度的增大,容易产生热应力而造成载体热变形和损坏。And, at radial converter, the asymmetry of temperature contributes increasing in grid of temperature and thermal stress easily, that engender thermal deformation and mangle the converter.