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这里真的让人感到自由自在,It's really liberal

媒体是非常自由的。The media are too liberal.

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他是个思想观点开朗的人。He is a man of liberal views.

自由党专家气得口吐白沫。Liberal pundits foam at the mouth.

那什么又是文理学院呢?What is a college of liberal arts?

我父母亲的观念很开放。My parents' ideas are very liberal.

我学的是文科,你呢?I study liberal arts. How about you?

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我上大学时读的是文科。I was liberal arts major in college.

在座的各位都是文科班的学生。All of you are liberal arts students.

约翰本身可是当时的一大自由主义者。And he was the big liberal of his day.

甚至连赞成选择的自由女权主义者都不会同意流产的。Not even pro-choice liberal feminists.

他喜欢把自己视为开明的人。He liked to think of himself as a liberal.

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他喜欢把自己想象成开明人士。He liked to think of himself as a liberal.

这表明了他的心胸宽广和友好。This shows him to be liberal and friendly.

和不落的群星自由交谈。In liberal converse with the eternal stars.

开明派——一个无权而崇尚权力的人。Liberal – a power worshipper without power.

彼得?德尔森自命为贸易自由主义者。PETER MANDELSON is an avowed trade liberal.

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粗野的牧羊人给它起了粗俗的名字。That liberal shepherds give a grosser name.

自由民主实际上能排除犯罪感吗?Is liberal democracy without guilt practical?

而有时候一个文科学位就足够了。Sometimes a liberal arts degree will suffice.