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内置的防止评论垃圾广告。Comment spam protection built-in.

并把它应用到反垃圾邮件中。Then applies it in the spam mail.

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你怎没被肉给噎到呢?。Why don't you choke on your Spam?

我们先看一个垃圾邮件的例子。So let’s take the example of spam.

对抗暴步兵流最好的组合。Your best bet against infantry spam.

垃圾幻灯片对我们而言的确是一个问题。Spam slideshows are a problem for us.

一些电子垃圾邮件有电脑病毒。Some spam may include bugs or viruses.

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它是一种邮件过滤软件,叫“自动邮件监控器”。It is Active E-mail Monitor, a spam filter.

这是一种阻止生成垃圾邮件的方法。This is a way of preventing spam generation.

阻止这些小广告的散布是道德的吗?Is it ethical to prohibit the delivery of spam?

用来对付垃圾邮件的方法之一就是黑名单。One method used to combat spam is blacklisting.

你又来了。-吃不够你们的午餐肉。You're back. -Couldn't get enough of that Spam.

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不要简单的标出垃圾内容并且删除之。Do NOT simply hightlight the spam and delete it.

基于成本的垃圾信息防御的社区努力Community commitment to cost-based spam prevention

不算上垃圾邮件,我每天会收到数百封电子邮件。I get hundreds of emails a day, not counting spam.

首先,我先花点时间介绍回链垃圾信息。First, I'll take a moment to describe linkback spam.

如今,杂货铺里都不怎么卖猪肉罐头了。Nowadays, you can not easily find spam in a grocery.

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当然,更多的垃圾邮件也会出现在我面前。Of course, I would also start seeing a lot more spam.

交流和沟通的规则是发送电子邮件而非制造垃圾邮件E-mail rules are for communication, not spam generation

但是不知道为什么,那垃圾邮件却能“通行无阻”?!?!But somehow, the spam mails have no problems coming in?!