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华盛顿的十字军们缺乏一个令人信服的回答。Washington’s crusaders lacked a cogent answer.

这位律师强有力的争辩博得陪审团之信服。The lawyer's cogent arguments convince the jury.

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结果令人信服地解释了通货膨胀问题。The result is a cogent explanation of inflation.

在最后一部分中,作者给出了一个很有说服力的总结。The last section brings it all back home with a cogent summary.

节能降耗要切实解决标准和统计问题。Energy-saving fall bad news wants cogent solve standard and statistical problem.

咱们提出许多有说服力的论点,并试图以巧言诱哄立法委员会为咱们投赞成票。We do a lot of cogent arguments. We tried to coax legislators into voting we way.

我们提出许多有说服力的论点,并试图以巧言诱哄立法委员会为我们投赞成票。We made a lot of cogent arguments. We tried to coax legislators into voting our way.

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社会主义新乡村建设获得重大进展。Efacropoliss to build a new left-wing countryancillary will accomplish cogent advance.

相反,赞成者提出了有利的证据维护这个做法。On the contrary , the advocates also advance cogent arguments in defense of the system.

外面有些声音甚至坚定地认为这糟糕的一切都是我的错。There are even a few cogent voices out there explaining why this situation is my fault.

充满说服力的性质研究,漫画和尖锐的短文,做表面自由形式风格。Full of cogent character studies, comic and poignant vignettes , done in seemingly free-form style.

要将少校即将返回的消息告知朱利安·卡文迪什是有绝对充足的理由的。There were perfectly cogent reasons why Julian Cavendish should be told of the Major's impending return.

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它让懒惰或有偏见的人们在不理解整个情况时做出看似有力的论断。It lets lazy or biased people make what seem to be cogent arguments without understanding the whole issue.

本厂拥有先进的生产设备,娴熟的技工人员和过硬的质检队伍。Our factory possesses of advanced production equipments, skilled artificers and cogent quality-checking teams.

今年是减免农业税改革的第一年,要切实做好今年改革试点工作。This year is derate agriculture duty the first year of reform, should cogent had done reform pilot job this year.

一小时的电视直播讲话,他很少看稿,并为自己九年来的统治做了有力的辩护。In a cogent hour-long address, televised live and delivered with few notes, Mr Musharraf defended his nine-year rule.

给运用TOPMODEL模型虚拟地表覆被变化情况下的水文循环提供了论证。The conclusion provokes a cogent demonstrate to dummy the hydrological circle under fictitious land-cover by TOPMODEL.

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公路统计工作作为公路建设和养护工程中的一项重要内容,应该得到切实加强。Highway statistic job regards highway as one of construction and conserve project serious content, should get cogent strengthen.

你们将会发现一个更深刻,更具有说服力的理由,为什麽病人竟然会有这样一个倾向,以及为什们他拥有这个倾向,还振振有词。You will discover a further and cogent reason why the patient should have such a tendency and why he is quite justified in having it.

不过,格林说被他拉到一边谈论此次抗议的人根本连事由都说不清楚,更别提有关反对不平等的令人信服的理论了。Still, he said the people he pulled aside to talk about the protest couldn't articulate a cause much less a cogent argument against inequality.