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还有更确切的见解吗Anything more specific?

它们是设备特定的。They are device specific.

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做出具体的道歉。Make your apology specific.

羊角风的危害具体有哪些呢?Epilepsy what specific harm it?

他并没有指出具体的股票名称。He didn't name specific stocks.

他没提出具体股票名称。He didn’t name specific stocks.

搜索特定的文件类型。Search for a specific file type.

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我们可以查找特定的一张牌。We can look for a specific card.

干扰素是物种专一性。Interferons are species specific.

这是一个很特殊的场景。Thisis a very specific situation.

对目标软件,有哪些明确的要求?Any specific need on the software?

您好。我有非常具体的需求。Hello. I have very specific needs.

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其其余计划尚不明确。Its other plans are less specific.

最好的赞美该是言之有物的。The best compliments are specific.

下面是特定食物减肥法There are the specific food diets.

你没有任何提别的目标。You do not have any specific goal.

这个意思你说得不够具体。Your idea was not specific enough.

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所谓的特效药原来是骗人的东西。The so-called specific was a fraud.

我们不会做很仔细的日程安排。We wouldn't do specific scheduling.

铝的比热是0。Aluminum has a specific heat of 0.2.